Sunday, February 19, 2006

What's in a name?

This week has been crazy!! The amount Wyatt has grown and learned is just amazing to me. He is a fast motor scooter on the floor, he now has 4 teeth!!! Yep 4!!! And he gives kisses now!!! We went to the Pediatrician for his 6 month appointment (even though he is 6 1/2 months old) and she said he is just wonderful!! She is so glad he is doing so well after the rough start he had. He weighs 18 lbs 14 ozs, and is 28 1/4 inches tall!! Tall and skinny. She said he is at the same stage developmentally as a 9 month old and that she wouldn't be surprised if he was walking the next time she sees him!! Heaven help me!! Mr. Wyatt does not want to be held at all!! If he is awake he wants on the floor!! Of course when he gets sleepy he wants to be held sort of. He is a little wishy washy then. We have had a few rough nights this week because of his 3rd and 4th tooth coming in but hopefully, now that the last is out he will sleep tonight!!! After a weekend with Grammi and Pa - Paw he needs all the rest he can get. Those grandparents of his must stay up all night long playing!! Lol.

We went and visited my Aunt Nancy on Friday. That was fun. I have always loved hanging out with her and I'm sure Wyatt will too!! She did my taxes so I had to name my "Ranch" business!! We are officially Lightning Bug Ranch!! I am excited!! Still feel silly calling a little bitty property a ranch but I couldn't come up with anything else. I thought Lightning Bug Quarter horses, but half of my horses are Appaloosas so that won't work. Could be Lightning Bug Performance Horses but I'd never be able to afford a sign with that written on it!! Too long!! Plus none of my horses perform at the moment. Lightning Bug Farm. . . hmm no cows, and to me farm implies cows. I just couldn't decide. Anyways I'm rambling. Whatever it is Wyatt is now growing up on a Ranch. . . ette maybe. Lol Now he just needs his own pony!! I just had a break thru!! Maybe we could call it Lightning Bug Creek? That is why we named it that in the first place. The creek that runs by our house has a ton of Lightning Bugs in it in the Summer and when we first moved here I told Greg all I wanted from the property was for it to have a few Lightning bugs and the first night here I sat on the porch and there were hundreds!!! I can't wait for Wyatt to be big enough to go lightning bug hunting with me!!! We will have so much fun!!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Leaps and Bounds

Boy this week has been hectic!! Wyatt has been out and about a lot and let me tell you, he'd rather be on the ground practicing crawling instead of sitting in my lap anywhere!!
On Wednesday we went to the Vet to get Bud's stitches removed. We sat in the waiting room for 2 hours!!!! Wyatt was good as usual except he really really got bored. He was a wiggle monster. Everyone thought he was such a good baby for being so happy for so long. I probably need to rethink having any other kids because it's true. I've never seen another baby that would sit for 2 hours without crying. I don't think I'd get so lucky to have two that would do it.

Then Wednesday night we went to meet Grammi and Pa-Paw for dinner. That was fun but a little rough because Mr. Wyatt decided that napping was for babies and not for big boys who got to go to the vet and talk to bunches of people. So it was a sleepy wiggly dinner.

Thursday Greg was off of work so we could all go to the dentist. We had to be there at 7 and we live over 30 minutes away so we actually had to wake Wyatt up before he got up on his own. He must have thought we were crazy!! On the way to the appointment a deer hit us!! Completely smashed the driver side door in. Scared us both to death. Wyatt slept thru it. Poor deer and poor new Tahoe!!! The deer didn't make it and the Tahoe needs some cosmetic surgery to recover. But we were all fine!! So we finished at the dentist around 10:00, had to go to Greg's work and get his paycheck to take into town to put in the bank. Then Greg had to go see SSG Bowers at the armory in Fort Worth to finish filling out his sworn statement to clear up some stuff relating to his discharge. We were there for 2 hours!! All told poor Wyatt (and poor me) were in the car from 6:30 until 4!!!!!! He was soooooo ready to get out and practice crawling!!
Crawling is going really well. We haven't officially accomplished it yet but it should only be a matter of days (if not hours!!) He can officially scoot now by pushing forward with one foot. And he is really trying to sit up but usually gets stuck in a sideways half laying position that is really cute. He has also been practicing talking this morning. He keeps repeating the P sounds over and over again. I think he is going to say Pa-Paw first!! He sure loves that Pa-Paw!! Of course he threw in a Ma-Ma for good measure today but he had no idea what he was saying. I think I got a real kiss this morning. I'm not sure because I wasn't watching his face but somehow I got an open slobbery mouth on my cheek! I'll take whatever kind of kisses he wants to give me that is for sure. His new favorite pastime is blowing raspberries on my shoulder when I pick him up. He thinks it is great fun!! And I think it is really cute. I just love this 6 months time period. He is just growing by leaps and bounds.