Sunday, March 12, 2006

Spring Fever

Wow!! It's been a long time since I posted! Wyatt is growing like a weed!! He can officially crawl now, not just Army style. He and I have a good routine now during the day. We spend about 2 hours outside in the glorious sunshine!!! I love it!! Wyatt loves it!! And all the outdoor kitties love it!! I have been gardening a lot lately and Wyatt sits in his exercauser while I dig holes and plant flowers!!! We have tulips blooming in my garden right now!! I'm so excited. I put some water on the bottom of Wyatt's exercauser so he can splash his little feet in it and he loves that so much. He doesn't get to do it very often but on the days when it is nearly 90 outside I let him.

I went for a wonderful ride on Sterling Friday night. She is so fun to ride. It feels like just yesterday I rode everyday. (well that is until I woke up Saturday morning and had majorly sore legs from being out of shape!) It was so lovely. Almost like a dream to ride. The sun was out, breeze blowing, trees blooming everywhere. There was some wonderful sweet smell on the wind and Sterling was a good girl. I felt very free and a little more like my old self than I have in months!! (Not that I'm complaining!)
All the trees are budding everywhere. It's so fun to look around and see little patches of green dotting the woods. I can't wait until all my trees are done budding!! I miss all the green leaves! Plus that means Summer will be here and we can take Wyatt swimming!! He is going to have so much fun at Grami and Pa-Paw's swimming!!
Today Greg and I went to the Bowie Trade Days while Wyatt stayed with Grami and Pa-Paw. We had a good time! We bought a Texas Star for our barn, a leather phone holder for Greg's cell phone, and 2 flats of petunias for my garden. They were great deals and we enjoyed our baby free morning. We only stayed for 3 hours because we were ready to get home and get our boy back!! Mr. Wyatt is more fun than anything we can come up with by ourselves.
Tomorrow should be a big day for Wyatt. Grami, Wyatt and I are going to the Fort Worth Zoo!!! He has never been!! We are meeting Grami's friend Marilyn there with her nephew Thaden and grandson Zachary. Should be a blast!! I'm sad Greg won't get to go but we have tickets for some weekend when he can go. I'm bringing extra batteries for my camera so he doesn't miss out on too much!!!
Wyatt has started being a little more clingy to me than he was a few weeks ago. I think his stranger anxiety stage is finally setting in. I can't leave him in the living to go to the kitchen anymore. He will cry and crawl to the gate near the kitchen until I pick him up. I'm not sure why it bothers him so much for me to go into the kitchen, he can still see me. I guess thats just one of those mysteries of a babies mind.