Friday, May 19, 2006

Sorry, been busy watching Wyatt grow up!!

Well once again I have had a major lapse in my blogging!! I'd like to say it won't happen again but we all know I'd be lieing. Boy oh boy this has been a major week though!! So I'm going to do a quick recap and run through of everything my big boy is doing!!

Standing - He has been standing on his own for a little while (like a month or so) but this week he has just done it A LOT!! He can stand and stay balanced up to 30 seconds before he falls down or grabs on to something!!

Walking - TWO BIG STEPS TODAY!! Yep!! My boy walked today!! He was just standing on his own and then turned towards me and took two steps!! I was so proud!! He didn't have a hold of anything before taking off!! It was a major accomplishment!!

Talking - This has been the most fun!! For the longest time I didn't think he would ever start talking but 4 nights ago he was eating dinner with his Dad and he started saying DA DA DA DA! He only says it when we are talking about his Dad!! I was so proud!! Then the next day he started babbling BaBaBaBa, but so far it hasn't been in relation to anything. He has started saying PupPup everytime he sees the dogs or the horses so I"m pretty sure that is what he is calling them. (I guess he thinks the horses are just big puppies) And earlier today he was chasing one of our cats and yelling KiKiKiKi!! So I think that is a word too! And my absolute favorite just surfaced tonight!!! I was walking down the hall and he started waving at me and said Ma MA!!!! Plain as day!! I thought I had heard him say it over dinner when I wasn't giving him a bite fast enough but there was no mistaking the MaMa!! when he saw me coming towards him!! Then he cuddled with me for a few minutes. I just love cuddling!

On top of all this growing Wyatt has been sick the last few days. It was scary, he threw up out his nose!! Scared me to death!! The doctor said he has a sore throat and that was why he was doing it. So far he hasn't done it again but he had about 8 episodes of throwing up yesterday! I felt so bad for him because he hasn't thrown up since he was about a month old!! He has been so clingy and cuddling (which isn't like him at all!!) so I know he felt really bad!

Okay well I'm off to bed!! I'll try not to stay away as long!