Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mr. Fussy Pants

Countdown to Disneyland!! 18 days. I'm so excited! Wyatt is going to have such a good time!!! At least I hope he does.

He has been particularly fussy today and I'm about ready to pull my hair out. It's probably full of bananas anyways. Not sure why Wyatt has been so fussy today. I don't think he's teething, although I can't be sure and there is NO way I'm sticking my fingers in there to find out!! There are 16 menacing, known finger chompers in there. No thank you. The last four will just have to come in and revel in their unheralded state.

I don't think he should be sleepy either but who knows. He only stayed awake about 50 minutes this morning before he had a near meltdown and I decided to move naptime up 2 hours. Sheesh. That was just the beginning! Then we spent a nice hour at lunch with me attempting to convince him he wanted to eat and him attempting to throw everything on his tray at me. (thus the bananas in the hair thing.) That quickly led to an earlier than scheduled nap as well. So what ended my afternoon was a baby who woke up long before he normally does and who was crankier than he usually is and out to break all former temper tantrum records on the book. From 4 on he threw things at me, Artie, the cat. Came up and tried to hit me several times. Which he knows is a BIG no no. Then when that didn't go over well he tried to hit Artie, which is an even BIGGER no no. Sigh. So I had to put poor Artie outside for his sanity and attempt to wait out Daddy's return home.

Well evidently Wyatt had pushed the phone off the hook and 45 minutes after Daddy was supposed to be home I discovered it. So I called Greg and he said he had to work late!! Sheesh, why tonight!! Finally he is home and usually Wyatt calms down when Daddy gets here because he loves playing with him, but not tonight. I ran away to feed horses and Daddy started feeding the boy dinner. As I type this I hear the sounds of dinner being thrown at Daddy and a very fussy boy complaining. Sigh. Is it bed time yet? Nope it's only 6 o'clock.