Monday, October 08, 2007


Life has settled back into a normal routine. Well some-what normal routine. Wyatt and I have been out and about enjoying the area and have had some adventures we wanted to share!!

Thursday of last week Wyatt and I decided to head out and find adventure!! We decided to visit Cabelas for the first time. A lot of Moms had recommend that we visit and I can certainly see why!! There were stuffed critters everywhere!! They were set up in dioramas all over the place! Some of which were two stories high!! Wyatt kept pointing and staring every which way his eyes turned. There was a plane on the ceiling and muskox and polar bears, and moose, etc. . . . We spent two hours looking at critters. We also ate lunch at their little deli. It was very yummy and I enjoyed my lunch date. Then to wrap things up we sampled fudge! Lots and Lots of fudge!! Yummy!! I can certainly see that Cabelas might be a fun trip once a month! Can't beat free. . .

Friday we went to visit Aunt Liz at Papaw and Grami's house and were pleasantly surprised to find Aunt Susie, Tanya and Cole visiting as well. Cole and Wyatt didn't play too much together but it sure was fun watching them.

That evening Dad, Grami, Wyatt and I went to the Corn Maze and pumpkin patch. Wyatt really enjoyed it! He loves pumpkins and ran around looking at them all. He walked through the entire maze holding Daddy's hand and a flashlight. It was very cute. This was Wyatt's 3rd time at the pumpkin patch and corn maze. It is a neat tradition that I hope we continue for years to come. In fact I think we will go back another time this year because Wyatt enjoyed it so much.

October, 2005

October, 2006

October, 2007

Saturday is Little Gym day and Wyatt had invited his friend Colin to go with him!! Wyatt arrived first with Grami while I went and helped Sherri find the Gym. When Colin walked into the room Wyatt just yelled out "COLIN!!!" and was so excited! He ran and grabbed his hand and they sat in circle together. The entire class Wyatt spent looking for Colin. (Colin seemed to have a good time, he's made for that kind of class. Such a good climber.) Wyatt didn't spend any time with Miss Kerri, his teacher. The previous week he grabbed her hand 3 times and drug her with him, then this week nothing. I told her he was keeping her grounded. Can't be worshiped all the time after all.

The rest of the day we shopped and Wyatt got some good fall clothes! Then of course he rode the carousel at Grapevine Mills Mall. It's amazing to me that as soon as he drives up to that mall he yells "Horsey!!" and knows that the carousel is in there somewhere. It's not like we go to the mall very often but I guess that is just burned into his memory.

That night we went to Wyatt's first wedding. It was lovely and he behaved great. We didn't stay long because it was an outdoor event and the mosquitoes were starting to feast on my legs as usual.

Sunday Cole and his Mommy an Daddy came over to Grami and Papaw's again. Wyatt informed Grami that morning that he wanted to go to Colin's house instead but by the time Cole got there he was happy again to be at Grami's. Cole and Wyatt played great together. I guess Friday was the introduction period. I think Wyatt really wants some friends. He just followed Cole around and did everything he did. He had a great time.

This week promises to be busy as well. Today we have to run a ton of errands, tomorrow the lawn mower repairman is coming so we have to stay home. Then Wednesday the floor repair guy is coming, so another day stuck at home. But Friday we are going to the zoo one way or another!! There is a cold front coming through tonight and then another on Thursday so maybe it will actually feel like fall by Friday!!! I'm ready for cool weather!!!

Wyatt has learned to count to 8 although he usually says six twice instead of seven but I think it's quite an accomplishment considering no one has worked with him on it. It's pretty cute hearing him count things. And he is really good at identifying "two" and "three" of things. He hands me cars and can say "two cars" or "three cars" depending on how many he has in his hands. Pretty smart.

Lately we have been watching "Wyatt movies" which are home videos. Wyatt watches one from when he was not even a year old over and over and over again. He loves it. I can see why, he can see Grami and Papaw and Mommy and Daddy on TV. Not to mentions that "cute" Wyatt.

Well I'm off to watch Wyatt's first birthday. It sure beats Handy Manny!