Monday, May 25, 2009

Camping Fun!?

So I'm not a huge camping fan. I'll go as long as it's only for one night. . . Wyatt and my hubby seem to really like it so I have a feeling I'll be camping a lot in my future. . luckily my hobbies both go well with camping!!! No horses this time but LOTS of photography!!

We left on Sunday afternoon (had to wait until later in the day so we could feed the horses before we left. . ) It was supposed to storm on us so we tried to hurry and set up the tent. Got a little wet doing it but not too bad!!! We were a bit rusty setting up the tent. . last time we camped was October 08!

Camp site

Storms a brewing!!

The boys played baseball until the thunder started

We decided to wait the storm out in our Tahoe, so I made my husband drive us to the cliff's 'edge' so I could sit in the back with the door up and get some photos! It's a pretty view!!

When the rain was almost done I told Greg we should go exploring on the roads for a little bit, so I could take some photos. I did some long exposure shots from the back end and it was WAY fun! lol. Although my camera got a bit muddy. .. (and just a disclaimer, the door was closed, but the window was open. . so I couldn't fall out Mom)

One more I liked. . .

The flowers were all covered in rain so we stopped and I took some shots. . .

One of my favorite spots on the trail! I'm a fan of the wind mills!

The clouds cleared very rapidly!!

Did some self portrait shots of me and my son. Didn't realize it was zoomed in.

Back to the flowers and grass!!!

and the barbed wire. . . (everything looks pretty with water on it! I think that's why Baywatch is so popular! What? Not the reason?!)

We went back to the camp and cooked some yummy pizza pies with our pie cooker. Camping in the summer is much nicer because the sun doesn't go down until it's a decent hour! Of course it comes up much earlier than in winter. . but while camping that is a good thing!! I'm not a fan of the night. It's boring and requires uncomfortable sleeping.

Sunset!! Night sun!! See you tomorrow! Bright and early!!!

Lol, a little too early for Wyatt.

I decided to go take some photos while the day was still young. . .

But I missed the best part of the day so I settled for this shot. (the hour after sunrise is the best)

When I got back to camp my boys decided to go on a hike and 'explore'! So Dad sun screened the boy and they took off on the red trail!! Wyatt took a stick that he called a 'map'. . .

Hmm. . I think Wyatt was the navigator

While the boys were gone I decided to take some photos of our field.

Pretty flowers!!

Road/ horse trail

This is where we watched the storm from the night before!! Much prettier in sunny weather!!

The boys were gone for a long while and I was starting to worry that had gotten lost. (Not sure why I would worry about that seeing how they had that nice and detailed wooden map. . .) Luckily Dad called me on my cell and told me they had hiked to the windmill and didn't want to walk back. . . Mom to the rescue!! I hopped in the Tahoe and picked them up. lol

When we got back to camp we made lunch and decided to pack it up and call it a day! The boys wanted to go to Grami and Papaws and swim and I wanted some Mommy quiet time!

But one last shot from our trip! Our friendly neighbor. .

This little guy, who I believe is a Texas Spiny Lizard, lived in the tree next to our tent. He hung out in plain site most of the time we were there. Dad named him Hagrid. Cute little guy!

All in all it was a great weekend adventure!!! If only my tent was magic like Harry Potters! I think I would enjoy camping a lot more if it came with a bed and a bathroom!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wyatt and his "pony"!

It's been a while since I've posted any sort of blog!! We all are doing fantastic!! Busy with being a soccer Mom and work/stay at home Mom! Anyways, here is a brief update on what is quickly becoming a new Wyatt obsession!

We told Wyatt he would get to ride today and like any child looking forward to something he woke up and the CRACK of dawn and came running to our room asking "Can I go ride Mack now!!" I kicked my hubby out of bed to stall for a while but Wyatt would not be deterred. . .

So before Mack even had his breakfast he had to be a 'pony'. lol All 17 hands of him!

(quick reminder of who Mack is for those of you out of the loop! Mack is our 'rescue' we got about 2 years ago as a walking bag of bones. He was around 20 - 21 years old and is an Americna Trakehner gelding, who supposidly was competitive in dressage around the area. . other than that we don't know his history. He has made a fanastic recovery and is worth his weight in gold. He will be Wyatt's first horse.)

I often wonder if Mack ever had any pep in his step. . he was a dressage champ after all. . He is a slow and steady type of boy. Perfect for Wyatt.

Edited a few photos for the scrapbook. . .lol. I think it's funny how he looks like he is in prison in these shots. . .

Leg pats. . .

Telling Mack he was a good boy.

Payment. .

And Dad says, "Thanks for being a good boy."

Last kisses.

Thanks for looking!! It was a good first day for them. Wyatt has said he wants to ride again EVERY day. lol. (oh and please ignore the halter! It's WAY stretched out form years of use and won't stay on any horse correctly but it's the one I grabbed. . .end disclaimer. .)