Sunday, January 24, 2010

Life goes fast!

It's been a long time since I've sat down to write on our blog. My apologies! I find so much time is spent living and socializing that I forget to write it down for memories sake. So with that in mind Wyatt and I started a journal! I want to take down everything he thinks is important to remember. We are starting out slowly, simply by writing our "favorite part of the day" into the ledger at the end of each night. So far we have 3 little innocent moments my little boy thinks were the best moments of his long days! I know I'll enjoy looking back at the journal just as I enjoy looking back at our blog!

What else is new in our lives? Wyatt had his first horse show last month riding June Bug. That has been fun for us all. Although he doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as my good friend Rachel's daughter does so I'm not sure he will be a life long cowboy. For now he is willing to go along with Mommy's plan and that's good!

I, myself, have been riding much more than in the past 4 years. It feels like I've finally recaptured my soul. I have been very happy of course since we've had Wyatt but riding once every 3 months or so just wasn't what I was used to. It is my link to my old self and I find my new pace to be much more thrilling than it was even 5 years ago. Sterling is going to be in fantastic shape if we keep this up. We have big plans for the year! I'd love to compete in a competitive trail ride and of course we are doing the same play day series Wyatt is riding in!

(I'd like to thank Papa for the video of Wyatt at his first horse show!! Grami for the photos of the show, Rachel Jones for the use of her horse, and Wyatt for actually smiling at me a million times as I pestered him during practice!)

And now back to your regularly scheduled blog update! (or rather irregularly scheduled)

Wyatt is learning fast! He knows all of his letters and numbers and told me a few months ago that he wanted to learn to read "this afternoon." I told him that was pretty ambitious but he was serious! He said there was a little girl at school who could read so he wanted to learn to do it as well. We didn't quite takle that just yet but I can't believe how much he has learned because of his pre-school. Hard to believe in just 8 short months kindergarten starts! I feel like I'm going to lose my running buddy and that makes me sad. I know that the time he is in school will be nice for my business but I'll still miss our days when it's just us. Just this week we spent an entire day together, just the two of us! We spent the morning at the zoo, the afternoon in the stockyards running through the cattle pen maze and watching the cattle drive and the evening at our friend's birthday party. Even though he was tired he was such a delight to hang out with. I'm amazed at how mature he is for his age. That night, when I asked him what his favorite thing was about his life, he answered "You Mommy! You're my favorite thing." Probably something I'll remember without writing it down.