Monday, June 26, 2006

Crash and Burn

Today has been a pretty normal day for Mr. Wyatt. We slept till 7 a.m, then played until 8:30 for our first nap (well his, not Mommy's). Then back up again at 10:30 to play some more. Visited with Daddy at lunch time, then back down at 1 for his second nap. That one was interupted by Mr. Schwartz who got himself locked in Wyatt's room AGAIN. So at 3 Wyatt was awake and ready to play. This was all very normal. Then Daddy called and said he was going to work until 7. Uh Oh. That means that Mommy is responsible for the evening entertainment.

Wyatt's normal bedtime is after 8:00 and with Daddy home that is not a problem. But I was watching Wyatt and at 5:00 he told me he was sleepy. (Started rubbing his eyes, fussing, clinging to me.) So outside we went. We fed the horses, walked around the property, ran thru the sprinkler, walked down the road and went back inside to try and play some more. That only got us to 6:15. So I made some dinner for him and we ate some cookies. Tried to let him play againg but it was a no go. Evidently Mommy is not entertaining enough. So at 6:40ish I gave him a bottle (because I think he was about 5 minutes away from a melt down) and at 6:50 he was out!!! Thats right, for the night! So poor Daddy got home and the little boy he loves sooo much was sleeping for the night. Poor Dad pouted for an hour and kept saying, maybe it's only a nap. Ha. So I guess Daddy doesn't get to work late anymore!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Handing over the spoon!

Wyatt has a new hobby. He eats junebugs!! Blech!!! I caught him eating one today and luckily fished it out of his mouth pronto!! But the little stink went back to where he found it and was looking for more of them!! Yucky!! I'm going to have to seal all the exits!! No more kitties coming inside. Or husbands for that matter!! I had the eebie jeebies for an hour afterwards!! I know I'm going to be walking a step behind Mr. Wyatt from now on with my trusty dust vac in hand!! Hopefully he won't find anymore to eat!!

But on a postivie note he is eating pretty good now!! He finished an entire Tamale last week at dinner and I was so proud of him!! Tonight he ate half a hot dog (cut into tiny little pieces). I'm so glad he is eating!! I thought he was seriously going to take me up on the not eating until he was ten threat! I guess since he seemed to handle a junebug okay he may not need me to cut his food into teeny tiny bits anymore. I guess I'll try and be a brave Mommy and give him bigger pieces. And I probably should let him feed himself. It's just so hard to hand over the spoon!! I'm pretty sure he is ready for it since he has been attempting to wrestle it from my grip for a few weeks now. Sigh. I know I've said it before but growing up is hard on Mommies!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Prince Wyatt holds court.

My big boy is walking!! He tries to walk everywhere now!! It's so much fun and causes Mommy so many heart attacks all day long!! I thought learning to pull up was tough but walking is a lot worse!! So far we've been lucky and he just falls on his butt or on his hands but the first time he hits the coffee table we may have to upholster all the walls!!

We haven't been up to much other than keeping cool. It is soooo hot outside we don't even go visit the horses during the day anymore. Although when we do go somewhere in the Tahoe we HAVE to stop and talk to them. Wyatt just loves waving and hollering at them. And they do their part and come running to the fence every time like they are just waiting to hear what Prince Wyatt has to say today!!

One nice thing about hot weather is it's pool time!! Every weekend we spend floating and playing and motor-boating around Grami and Papaw's pool!! Wyatt looooovves it!! He starts giggling as soon as he sees it and he absolutely hates getting the sunscreen on because it takes too long!!

I think Mr. Wyatt might be teething too because he hasn't been sleeping very good and has been really fussy. Of course after his last round of being sick he has been a lot more clingy than before. Not that I'm complaining but it would be nice to be able to walk into the kitchen without causing him to go into extreme panic mode! In fact his highness has come into his own as far as ideas and what he wants. For instance, I could, prior to his stomach bug, take away any toy or item he shouldn't have without any commotion. Now it's like I've broken his heart!! He screams and throws himself back and acts just a two year old!! I just role my eyes and think I'm glimpseing a bit of my near future! Heaven help me when he IS two!

He has really started eating!! I'm so excited!! I can see an end to bottles in sight!! There for a while he wouldn't even eat 1/4 jar of baby food in a WHOLE day! Now he is down to 1 big jar for breakfast, a jar of raviollis or some other toddler food at lunch and then tonight he had a jar of raviolli and two jars of applesauce!! It's amazing!! He just kept eating and eating! Then the best part was he only took about 3 ozs of his final bottle!! Yay!! Maybe at 1 year he will be off of the bottle after all!! Wish me luck!!