Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Handing over the spoon!

Wyatt has a new hobby. He eats junebugs!! Blech!!! I caught him eating one today and luckily fished it out of his mouth pronto!! But the little stink went back to where he found it and was looking for more of them!! Yucky!! I'm going to have to seal all the exits!! No more kitties coming inside. Or husbands for that matter!! I had the eebie jeebies for an hour afterwards!! I know I'm going to be walking a step behind Mr. Wyatt from now on with my trusty dust vac in hand!! Hopefully he won't find anymore to eat!!

But on a postivie note he is eating pretty good now!! He finished an entire Tamale last week at dinner and I was so proud of him!! Tonight he ate half a hot dog (cut into tiny little pieces). I'm so glad he is eating!! I thought he was seriously going to take me up on the not eating until he was ten threat! I guess since he seemed to handle a junebug okay he may not need me to cut his food into teeny tiny bits anymore. I guess I'll try and be a brave Mommy and give him bigger pieces. And I probably should let him feed himself. It's just so hard to hand over the spoon!! I'm pretty sure he is ready for it since he has been attempting to wrestle it from my grip for a few weeks now. Sigh. I know I've said it before but growing up is hard on Mommies!

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