Wednesday, July 05, 2006

July 4th, is that a milestone?

Well the 4th of July has come and passed. Wyatt actually made it to his first fireworks show! For some silly reason I have been romantizing how it would be to take Wyatt to a big Fireworks show. I've dreamed of how much he would love it and how cool it would be to see him see one for the first time. I guess it all comes from the fact that I love fireworks so much. They are so pretty and cool and they have them at Disneyland all the time. So I had yesterday very planned out! Wyatt went to bed at 6:30. Then, like the mean Momma I am, I woke him up at 8:30! Daddy drove to the Trophy Club pool and found a parking spot and sprayed us all down with bug spray. We waited for about 20 minutes and then the first firework went off. It was LOUD!!! Wyatt was soo scared of it!! Then the second and third scared him too!! I though we were going to have to pack him up and head home!! My poor baby! Mean ol' Mommy got him out of his bead and took him to see scary explosions in the air!! I felt pretty bad! But then he came around and started pointing at them and hollering at them. By about the 10th oneI think he was really enjoying them!! I stood and held him and watched him watch his first July 4th! It was so neat. The fireworks lit up his face and I could see him smiling!! All in all it was a great experiance. One more first for his baby book, and one less first to look forward to.

Just 28 days until his first birthday!! I can not believe how fast this year has gone!! Just 12 short months ago I was miserable and hardly able to move around. Now I'm sooo happy and not miserable at all!! I can honestly say I am back to normal and feel healthy and happy and I'd do it all over again a million times!!

Aunt Leslie was here all weekend too!! I always love see her. She doesn't get to come down and visit often enough. It was a great weekend, and my birthday was great too!!

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