Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring, Beautiful Spring!

I have decided that March is my favorite month of the year! It used to be a tie between October and March but now that March is here I'm thinking it wins. The trees are greening up, baby animals are being born and it is finally warm enough outside to actually do something outdoors!!

Our numbers here at the Spivey household have shot up a bit in the last month. We recently acquired two new family members Hercules and Clyde. Wyatt's pygmy goats. They are pretty cute but not all together that friendly. Wyatt thinks they are really cool so that is something.

Wyatt's new goats! Hercules and Clyde (Herc is on the left, Clyde is on the right)

On top of the addition of Clyde and Herc we have recently been blessed to get Katie back. She had gone to live with my cousins in Rockwall and they decided she wasn't the dog for them. It has been nice having her back but I'm beginning to think 3 dogs is more than I ever want to handle again! At least they all get along! Piper's house training is coming along and she hasn't gone in the house but one time in a week. But she is never lose in the house either. . . At least she isn't alone out in the kennel. She has 2 buddies to keep her busy.

Now my first baby has been doing some major growing up as well! Mr. Wyatt has discovered how much fun it is to feed the horses grass and can spend literally hours picking up hay and grass (and dirt and rocks and sticks) and putting it into the horse's feed buckets. I have to be extra careful and check each bucket before I feed in the evenings or the horses might be forced to eat around a big rock. He has also started actually saying things like Bye and Yes when we ask him questions. It's fun to hold a conversation with my little man. Our first conversation in the mornings go something like this!

"Good Morning Sunshine"
Big laugh
"Did you sleep good last night?"
"Are you hungry?"
"Yeah! Cook!"
"You want Mommy to Cook?"
"What do you want Mommy to cook?"
"Bread Bread!"
"Give me a kiss then!"
Big kisses!

It's so sweet!! I love this stage! I swear each and every stage we have hit has been more and more fun for me. I just wish it went slower. Wyatt now can watch an entire movie (which he calls "Book") as long as it has puppies in it or cars. So basically we watch "Cars" and "101 Dalmatians" once every other day or so. At least they are cute movies!

Wyatt started taking a class at The Little Gym near Grami and Papaw's house on Saturday mornings. It is a beginner class for 19 mos - 2 1/2 years. We are picking it up in the middle because he wasn't old enough earlier so he only has 10 weeks left. He really seemed to enjoy it! It's good for him to interact with little kids. Other than Colin he rarely sees anyone else his age!!





It won't be long and we will be back spending every weekend at Grami and Papaw's house in the swimming pool!! But I think I'll enjoy the spring flowers until then!

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