Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Two Years Down, A Lifetime To Go.

My goodness time flies! I can't believe my baby's second birthday is in two days. It seems like just yesterday that I was floating in the pool trying to stay cool while being as big as a house. I remember thinking that life would never be the same again and I was right. Wyatt has certainly changed everything around! Everything seems more colorful because of him. Sad things are sadder, Happy things are Happier. I know that doesn't make sense but I can't quite figure out how to put it into words.

Today I thought I'd post some comparison pictures of my baby when he was just born and then some of him recently. It's amazing to me the difference. And even though it seems like a life time has passed really it hasn't been that long at all.

Just born. . .

At one. . .

Almost two. . .

Happy Birthday my baby!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fourth of July

Well another birthday has come and gone and I just don't know where the time has gone. I'm 28 years old and although I don't feel younger I certainly don't feel this old either. I'm going to be 30 soon and I suddenly realize how young that actually is.

My birthday was very low key this year and I must say I spent most of it forgetting it was my birthday. Mommy brain. Sometimes I feel like Dory from Finding Nemo. Except I'm not blue and I certainly can't speak whale. Wyatt loved my birthday because his friend Colin came over with his Mommy and Daddy and they got to play together at Grami's house. Wyatt grabbed Colin's hand and led him into his room to show him all the fun toys he had there. It was very cute. And I enjoyed getting to hangout with my friend Sherri, although I get to hang out with her every weekend usually. But I wouldn't mind hanging out with her daily so what do you do?

It's been quiet here on the home front for the last month or so. Greg put together Wyatt's big boy bed and Wyatt made the switch to it without any fuss. He goes to bed when he is supposed to, never gets out of it unless a parent says he can and sleeps thru the night and nap time without a problem. I must say that the bed switch went much easier than I had imagined! It was like Wyatt had been ready for it for months. I really thought he would get out of it every night after we put him to bed and play for a while before going to sleep by the door or somewhere else on the floor. Boy was I wrong! In the morning when he wakes up he sits up and stays under the covers and says "Momma" until I come in there. Then he waits for me to pick him up before he gets up. I'm pretty sure Greg and I lucked out with Wyatt. I don't think babies are supposed to be this easy. That just means any future children will be total terrors I'm sure.

Texas has been one rainy state for the last few weeks. The road that leads to our nearest town has flooded and closed twice now and it's been 10 or so years since the last time it did that. In fact tonight we were supposed to go to a big July 4th event in a nearby town but didn't dare get out because of how heavy the rain was. Naturally everything dried up about 30 minutes before the fireworks display was scheduled but we live 40 minutes from the show so there was no way we could have made it. I guess we could try again tomorrow night but there is a 70% chance of heavy rain tomorrow as well. I must say I'm so happy about the rain. I know it's probably okay if it stopped now but being a horse owner and having to buy hay makes me very thankful for every drop of water that falls on the local hay fields. We just found hay for $45 instead of $110, which is what we have been paying for the last year and a half! In fact I hard some hay people talking the other day and they are saying they might get a fourth cut this year which means hay prices will stay low even over the winter! Or at least we can hope!

Well I'm off to sleep. Thanks for reading my ramblings!