Monday, March 31, 2008

A Day Out With Thomas

Wyatt is a huge Thomas fan. We're talking huge. He eats, sleeps, and plays all day around Thomas. So we knew as soon as Thomas came to town we had to go. Grami bought tickets months ago!! Finally this weekend arrived and Wyatt got to meet Thomas!!!!

He of course was very excited!! And said "Wow! He's Big!" when he touched Thomas. Oh and he said, "His buffers are so clean!" Lol.

Here are some pics from the event.

Thomas the Tank Engine
Thomas pulling the Grapevine Vintage Railroad cars.

Meeting Thomas
Meeting Thomas

Thomas the Tank Engine
About to get on the train!

Papaw Kisses
Giving Papaw kisses!

Riding on Thomas
Wyatt riding on Thomas!

That's it for us for today!! Spring is here so many more adventures are on the horizon!!! Bluebonnets should be coming up soon!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Farm Boy

Well we have made it the entire month and went to pick up Mickey and Minnie our new baby goats today!!! We decided since they are tiny to take them home in a dog kennel. Saves a lot of gas from taking the trailer!! Plus it was much easier to drive! Wyatt was so excited and he thought it was hilarious that the goats were in the back of the Tahoe. Everytime they talked he would talk back to them. Pretty cute.

Our initial introduction to Meg didn't go so well. . she kept trying to run them into the fence so we kicked her out of her pen and will let her get to know them from outside the pen for a few days before I add them all together.

Mickey and Minnie are just adorable!! They are super tame and are going to be so much fun!!!

So of course I took a lot of pictures!!!

Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse. (was going to just be Mickey but Wyatt insists his whole name is "Mickey Mouse" and I've learned not to argue with a 2 year old.

Mickey and Minnie's new house
New home. They are so tiny!!

Wyatt loves Minnie
Wyatt loves Minnie. Both the babies are very tame and didn't mind being held. It may look like he is holding on tight to her but he really wasn't!

Farm Boy

Wyatt loves Mickey
Mickey is actually tamer than Minnie but not by much. He will actually come to you where Minnie waits for you to come to her. Wyatt was a good boy helping get them fed!

Really tame baby!

Mickey and Minnie
Siblings!! They are really attached to each other so I'm really glad they get to live out their lives together!! It must be hard to lose your Mommy! But they've got a built in buddy!

What's going on over here?
The peanut gallery. Sterling and Sonora were very interested in the new babies. (you can tell I just yelled at them to quit pushing on the fence because Sterling has backed away from it and Sonora is just pushing right on. Young animals of all species must have a filter in their brain for my voice. . )

Okay that's it from me!! It's becoming a regular old farm out here!! Now I just need Chickens!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Snow in Texas!!

It's been a few days but I wanted to post some pics for those of you who haven't seen them. I copied and pasted from a forum I'm a member of. . sorry about that! It's midnight here and if I wrote much I'd be up until 1 a.m!!

Well it finally snowed. I didn't think we would get any this year then bam!! The most snow I've ever seen in my entire life fell! We got 9 inches which is a ton for this area! So of course all my pictures are of snow!

Wyatt and Daddy playing catch the snow on your tongue when it first started. . .
Catching Snow Flakes


And being cute for Mommy's snow pictures
Snow Boys

Not quite enough snow for snow angels yet. . just give it an hour!
Snow Angles

Next morning it was great!! The snow was too powdery for Snow men which was sad but it was lots of fun to dig in and trudge through. . .
(the dirt at the top of that picture is the ground under our 'roof', so no snow there)


Snow Day

Then of course I had to take pictures of various critters in the snow.

Wyatt LOVES snow

I think the cardinals like the snow. . .
Snowy Perch

Clyde is not impressed

Piper LOVES Snow


The horses DO NOT LIKE SNOW!

Sterling needs a bath!! She is normally the color of the snow!! And she got a bath today, and then promptly rolled in the mud. I tell ya, it never ends around here. (oh and she broke her blanket so she was naked!)