Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lots to catch up on!!

Boy it's been a while!! My apologies!! Life has been way too much fun lately!! Wyatt turned 3 on August 2nd. He had a wonderful birthday party!!

I know all parents say that their kid is amazing. And I know most kids are amazing. Actually, ALL kids are amazing! (I mean, can you imagine learning an entire language in 2 years? Me neither) But Wyatt amazes me daily. He says the cutest and most thoughtful things sometimes. For instance. This week Papaw was a little under the weather and I'm sure he heard Grami say that he "Had a Bug. . " So Wyatt wanted to know what kind of bug? And why did he eat it? And where was it at? So now he is worried about catching a bug. . .lol. He also stated after I told him he had a runny nose because he had allergies, "Why can't I give them back?" Lol. I told him I wished it were that easy!

Plus we have a new addition to the family. Two nights ago when Greg came home from work (around 1 a.m.) he came inside and said, "Did you hear that sound out in the woods? It sounds like a chihuahua is being eaten! I told him I hadn't heard anything when I was feeding the horses(about 12:30 a.m.) But he insisted. He got his gun and his flashlight and as he walked out the door to investigate I told him to be sure and bring the chihuahua back with him. Joking of course, because I thought it was likely just a coyote or something. About 15 minutes later he walks in through the front door with. . ..

Lady is very sad!

A puppy!!!!! Poor thing was nearly eaten alive by fire ants and was crawling with fleas. So at 1:45 a.m. I doused her in flea meds and gave her some food and water and put her in the horse trailer for the night. A much better end to the evening than the jerk who dumped her had planned for her.

The next morning we told Wyatt we had a surprise for him. . . and introduced him to the puppy, who we then started calling Lady (after Lady and the Tramp). He kept asking, "Who's puppy is she?" Because he just didn't think she was ours. Of course he took to her like crazy and they are now safely attached at the hip. Anytime he gets up in the living room, she gets up and follows him. When he sits, she sits on the floor and looks at him, waiting for him to pick her up and put her on the couch with him. (which he unfailingly obliges). When she finally makes it on the couch she puts her two front legs in his lap and they sit quietly (well as quiet as a 3 year old can sit) and watch tv together.

We took her to the vet tonight because she isn't walking very good on her back legs. . the vet said that it isn't broken, but it is very swollen and we need to watch it. She was a good girl for her first shot and her wormer.

So we will see how she does as she grows up. She has been the most wonderful puppy I've ever been around so far. . . she doesn't chew on anything, or anybody (which was Piper's biggest problem as a puppy) she doesn't try to play too much yet (hopefully that will improve when she feels better) and she is already doing well in the crate!! No potty accidents either!!! So far I'm impressed!! She may just redeem puppies in my eyes, after Piper made me swear them off for life!

So more pictures!!!

Oh WOW!!  A Puppy?!
Wyatt sees Lady for the first time. . .

"Lean on me!"
She's already smitten. Leaning on her boy.

Wyatt and Lady
Proud of his "Pup" as he calls her.

You can see her bum back leg in this shot! Ouch!

Piper Portrait copy
Wyatt's first "Pup" Piper at a year and a half! And only 100 lbs.

Wall-E is a BIG favorite Aunt Nana!! Thank you!!!

My handsome boy

Wyatt and Cailyn!
First kiss!! Lol. That's Cailyn, my best friend's little girl, on her 1st birthday

Dani and Wyatt
Wyatt and Dani!!!

Hmmm. . how old are you?

Blowing out the candles!

Wyatt and Cole
Wyatt and Cole!!

3rd Birthday Boy!!
A little birthday cheese to wrap it up!!

Thanks for looking!

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