Monday, September 22, 2008

3 Weeks of School under our belt!!!

And all seems to be going well!! Wyatt is enjoying it now and seems to be looking forward to the next time he gets to go!!! We are still only going once a week and that's enough for Mommy.

We are going through a bit of a bout of terrible 3s which I guess I should have expected. Mr. Wyatt is so terribly independent and opinionated that sometimes he and Mommy clash over the details. Being a Mom is HARD work. It's not always fun. It would be so easy to just give in and let him have his way but still I say no repeatedly. Not giving in. It's too important. But I can see how Mother's just give up under the pressure. Too bad for their kids though in the long run! Cause a 3 year old is a stubborn creature and very much wants what he wants no matter what!!!

But good news is we are OFFICIALLY 24 hour potty trained!! No accidents, no pull-ups, and all self sufficient for the most part!! He even goes back to the big boy bathroom all by himself and takes care of business and, other than the occasional stop to play in the sink while he is washing his hands, we've had no problems!

I'm so proud of him. He is quite the little man. Tonight when we were getting cuddles before bedtime he put his arms around my neck and said. . ."I Love you Mommy!" all by himself. Which he's done before but it's nice when it happens. So that just goes to show even strict Mommys are loved! ;)

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