Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Say Hello to Lele!

We are so excited!! Our pygmy goat girl Meg had her first successful delivery today!!! About 10 months after her scary c-section. Yay!!!!!!!!! Our goats are pets only so this was a big deal for us!! Our first baby born on the property!!!! Wyatt is so excited!!

I noticed last night that Meg was acting strange so we separated the boys out from her and I checked on her during the night. No baby this morning but I kept her in because she was still acting strange. Then this afternoon when I went to feed horses I noticed she was down and then I noticed blood and of course after the c-section last spring I panicked!! Ran over to her and saw a little white thing next to her and in my panic I thought it was our cat Cindy but it wasn't!!!! It was our new baby!!!!!! She's a little girl Pygmy, and I think she will have blue eyes but I'm not sure!! We are going to call her Lele! Which is kinda funny because often it comes out as Wewe when Wyatt says it.

I took pics and checked to see that she was okay then we headed to town to buy shavings so we could set up the horse trailer with a heat lamp and comfy bedding. It's not safe out in the world for her since she was in the pen that the fox got Mary. I'm not losing another one. . so if I can't travel anywhere that's okay!! Who needs to ride!

Anyways, I know ya'll just want to see pics so here they are!!!


Where's the buffet?

Momma and baby love.

Momma Love

Welcome to earth!

So proud of her!!! She is such a trooper!

Man! Rough day!

Wyatt was VERY impressed!! He had a ton of questions about the afterbirth that Meg still had coming out! He thought it was 'cool'.

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