Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The quest for the perfect Christmas Card photo!

Well it's that time of year again, and as happens every year my Mom informed me that we need to get a photo of Wyatt for our Christmas cards. This year I convinced her not to run across the street to the 'fast food' photography studio and let me take one instead. Ahem. I should have just let someone else do it because my kid HATES my camera. Something about having a Mom with a lens attached to her nose makes a kid a bit camera shy. But I was optimistic beyond words so. . .on we went!

We piled up and headed to the Gaylord Texan Resort, in Grapevine, Texas. They have a ton of Christmas decorations, trains and a wonderful Buffet that we like to visit once a year! So it's kind of a tradition for us to go walk around and look at the pretty stuff!

Started out trying to get a shot in the sleigh near the front of the resort. Nope. Not a good spot!

Tried on a bench. Nope. Didn't like any of those either. . .

Tried in front of some poinsettias. Nope. Wyatt wouldn't look at me to save my life!!

Cute though!

Tried in front of the ginger bread house!! Yikes! Horrid lighting.

Taking a break and watching the trains!

We decided to go eat lunch and give Wyatt some time to play. . .
I decided to take some photos of the general holiday cheer all around! lol. Couldn't just walk. . .

The spot we ate lunch is a wonderful little buffet with gourmet type food and a nice atmosphere along a 'river walk'. (all indoors.) When we were finished I took some shots around the table. . .

Orchids at the host's station

Christmas Cactus alongside the 'river'.

Water Glasses

Koi in the 'river'.

After dinner we let Wyatt run laps around a fountain. Lol. Kids have fun doing nothing!

Technically a terrible photo but look!! He's completely off the ground!!! And very fast!!

Finally!! I got eyeballs!!! But it was a bit too closeup for the Christmas Card. . .

His idea of posing. . .

Too bear skin rugged for my taste! lol

Finally my Mom bribed him with pennies to throw in the water. . . .

And!!!! Drum role. . . .

WE GOT THE SHOT! lol Presenting our Christmas Card!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Picture update!

This week we were beyond busy!!! And we actually took a few pics!!!

We carved pumpkins on Wednesday. Wyatt thought it was gross so he really didn't do very much of it. . .but he agreed to pose with it for me!


Then we played with Lele. She's getting big!! Or bigger. Wyatt just LOVES her.

Lele flying. . .
Hanging with her Mom

Cindy, Wyatt's cat got her picture taken. She's such a great cat!! She lets Wyatt drag her all over the place.

Dad fixed up Wyatt's bathroom so he can use it. It had been used as storage but we removed the door between it and his room and he can get in there now and he loves it!!!! I don't have to use the toddler potty anymore!!! He goes in there and takes care of business all by himself!! Anyways, bath pics!


Then on Halloween we went to Grami and Papaw's house because they have a wonderful neighborhood. Everyone hangs out outside during trick or treating and everyone is super friendly.

Before we went Wyatt was pretending to be Bob the Builder or Handy Manny.

Then we got ready, put on the boy's costume, put on Lady's costume, waited for Papaw to put on his costume.. .and took off!!

Papaw and Grami

Wyatt and Lady (the ladybug)

At Mr. John's spooky house

My favorite of the week

Lady sneaking some 'sugar'.

And finally Wyatt eating some real sugar!

Hope everyone is doing well!! Wyatt is growing up wonderfully.