Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pre-K Graduation!

Wyatt's last days of pre-k at the Children's Place are upon us!!  They had a little graduation ceremony and I remember last year watching the kids headed off to kindergarten and thinking how big they looked!!  Can't believe how fast time has flown!!! 

 Wyatt sitting with his friends!  That's Harrison in the sweater and William's blond head peeking out from behind!

 Standing next to Avery, his first love lol.  He and Avery were pretty good friends!
 Getting down with it!!  There was a bit of singing in their end of year ceremony and Wyatt enjoyed the hand movements the most. . .

The next day Wyatt had his first ever sleep over!  Colin came to stay the night!!  It was messy but it was fun!

 Lol, yes, this is what happens to parents and cats the day after a sleepover. .. it was a late night!

Mayhem!  Just a bit of the mess the boys made!!  All in good fun!!!

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