Monday, August 21, 2006

Would you like some whine with that cheese?

My boy is growing up. No doubt about it. Everyday he learns something new. Last week I taught him there was a puppy on his shirt so now when you ask him "Where's the puppy" he points to his chest no matter what he is wearing. It is a very cute trick even if it's wrong. However I think I'm looking forward to the next language explosion. Wyatt communicates very well, the problem is he points and whines to indicate what he wants. This was all very cute for about a week but now it is really getting annoying!! I don't know how long this phase lasts but I'm actually ready for him to grow out of it! Tonight at dinner he kept pointing at the ceiling fans and whining. It seems two of them were on and two were off and he didn't like the fact that they weren't all the same. Our waiter turned the one nearest us on which made him happy but then the furthest from us wasn't on and he kept pointing and whining for a good 15 minutes. Even the people next to us were looking at what he was pointing at. Silly boy. At least he is very observant!!

We are really ready for fall around here too!! The weather has made life miserable for us because we can't go outside and play. And since it is so hot out there all the animals want in with us. So counting Wyatt and I that makes 10 animals inside all day long. There are bound to be territory skirmishes with half that number!! Wyatt didn't take a long enough nap today because there were kitties hiding under his bed. Then when he was in the living room playing I had to keep him from dragging some of the dumber cats around. (I wouldn't say they were dumb but come on! Who takes a nap under the coffee table when there is a one year old around) Luckily we made it through another day with no injuries and no banishments. Who knows about tomorrow!!!

Oh yes! I can't forget to mention Buttercup/Ranger. Wyatt's new spring horse from his Aunt Emma. He loves that horse!! The first thing he does in the morning is get his diaper changed but the second has to be give his new horse a kiss. I don't even get kisses!! He loves to ride on Buttercup/Ranger and bounces if we stop bouncing it! Won't be long and he'll have figured out how to get up there by himself! Oh yes, and if anyone has any preference to whether this spring horse ends up "Buttercup" or "Ranger" please leave a comment. Greg and I can't decide.

Well I guess I'm off to take a long bubble bath!! Wyatt and I are running errands tomorrow but it's not supposed to be over 100!! I'll believe it when I see it!

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