Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween Hullabaloo!

Wow where has all the time gone!! Wyatt is almost 15 months old and he amazes me everyday!! He has learned so much in the last year!! I wish I learned as many new things everyday, I'd be a brilliant scientist or something by now (or my brain would explode, not sure which). We've been sickly this last week or so but I hope we are all getting over it now. Wyatt is starting to show signs of being a very independent minded boy!! Like our first temper tantrum. I'm not sure if there is a spot in the baby book for that milestone, which is fine, since I'd really rather forget the whole incident.

Halloween is tomorrow!! Wyatt is going as Pablo from the Backyardigans!! I'll be sure to get lots of pictures!! I know he doesn't know what Halloween is or why we are getting dressed up but I sure have been looking forward to it!! I didn't get him a costume last year (which I was sad about later but oh well) so this is my first Halloween as a Mommy!!! I've been practicing for years. Just ask Miss Yoda about her Tutu. I'm sure you'll get an evil kitty scowl. Or ask Sterling about being a princess and a unicorn. Or that time I dressed Sunny up as a witch, broom and all. Katie has been Snow White & Eeyore, Schwartz was a pumpkin. Yep, it's time to transfer all that evil costume fun to my own flesh and blood!! Muahahaha! Luckily Human children enjoy the costuming process much more than animal children do. Of course Wyatt may be an exception!! He hates his hat and isn't a big fan of the body suit either!! Although he is one cute penguin!! Anyways, at least this year I can get candy with my child. (all for me of course) The one year I took Sterling trick or treating people just gave us apples. Sheesh, she likes peppermints and candy too! So be prepared all of you out there in cyber land to see a ton of pics!!! Thats truly what all this hullabaloo is about!!

Okay, here is a picture of Mr. Wyatt in his Pablo gear.
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Isn't he a cutie patootie!! Momma thinks so. He loved Trick or Treating. He would walk right up to the door and smile. Can't wait to do it again next year!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hello Life!!!

Somewhere along the way I got my life back. I just realized it today. Don't know why it took me so long to recognize it. I know most of you are Moms that are reading this. You are familiar with the loss of self when you first have your child. The endless days of mind numbing repetitions. Diaper after Diaper. Bottle after Bottle. I remember thinking my life would never be fun again! I wondered if I would ever look forward to the dawn of a new day. I wondered if I would ever feel fully rested again. I have to say that nowadays, everything is fun, each day I look forward to waking up, and I am back to staying up late and feeling nice and rested in the morning!

My transition into motherhood was quite a startling event. I used to live my life thinking of only myself, as most 20 somethings do. I could go to the barn at 10:00 p.m. if I wanted to. I could take myself out to lunch and leisurely read a favorite book. I could go to the movies at the drop of a hat. I had more friends. All of a sudden I found out Wyatt was on his way and I knew all those things were quickly coming to a close. The "Me" chapter of life was ending. I lost friends but looking back they were friends I needed to lose. I can still go to the barn at 10:00 pm because it's location has changed. Lunch isn't so leisurely but it isn't spent alone either!! And maybe I can't go to movies on the drop of a hat but I sure can cuddle on the couch and watch one with Wyatt!

So anyways, I have to say that the first 6 months of being a Mom were tough. Harder than I ever could have prepared myself for. But I'm a different person now than I was during that time. The subsequent 8 months have been a joy and little by little I'm finding things in my life I love much more than the things I thought I would miss. So here is a brief breakdown of my "new" favorite things. .

1. Open mouth sloppy kisses!
2. Cuddle time!
3. Conversations/Translations in the "grunt" language
4. Toys
5. Nap Time!
6. Saturdays with Grami & PaPaw
7. Sundays with my two favorite guys
8. Hearing "Mama" constantly! (like every minute)
9. Singing Silly Songs
10. Appreciating the innocence of children.

I have to thank my son for teaching me to appreciate all those things and for turning me into a Mommy. I love my job!!