Thursday, January 18, 2007

Icy World

This week we have been hit with a major round of winter weather!! I myself love snow but when it all goes wrong it comes down as freezing rain! Which really stinks!

This last weekend I took Wyatt to Grami's and Papaw's house on Friday evening hoping to be able to pick him up Saturday morning and ride out the ice storm in my nice cozy home. Well the ice came on Friday night and I couldn't go pick Wyatt up on Saturday. Turns out we couldn't pick him up until Monday! By that time I was naturally going crazy although my husband and I got a lot of stuff done around the house. But I learned a lesson from it! If the weather man says snow or ice, don't take the boy anywhere!! So this weekend is shaping up to be a bit of a repeat and unfortunately for Grami and Papaw they may have to wait it out and hope we can come visit on Sunday!! (We are supposed to go to the Stock Show)

Wyatt has learned a few new words this week and I of course think they are adorable!! "Clock" is his favorite and he says it all the time!! He is constantly on the look out for clocks so Grami bought him a train clock for his bedroom and we can't wait for it to get here! He also learned "moon" and it sounds like "moo" very cute! He is also learning to be patient while we read. I've been taking him to my room once a day and we lay on my bed and cuddle and read a 'special' book. (one of the books with real paper in it) Wyatt loves this new activity and he lays back and listens intently which is a real change from his past reading patience. He wouldn't let you finish a page before he had turned to the end of the book before. Yesterday he sat thru a long story of Winnie the Pooh and really seemed to be following a long!! It's amazing how fast kids grow up!! His abilities and comprehension have just skyrocketed over the last few months!! I wish I could learn so much so fast!

And to close today I thought I would post some pictures of Wyatt enjoying the winter weather!! He was very impressed and didn't want to go inside!! I don't blame him really, who knows when we will see snow again!

Loving it!

Drawing in the snow/sleet - sneet!

Sunny gets a little love

Loving the snow!

Nope, just a little farther Momma!

Cute boys!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Absent Blogged

Wow! It's been a while since I've blogged!! I decided to start off the new year and try and update everyone on what my favorite little man is doing!!

Every day here is fun and the adventures never end. Wyatt is learning a new word every other day it seems and he is just proving too smart for his own good sometimes. We just redid his bedroom over the last weekend and he really seems to be impressed with the new surroundings!!


I'm glad the holiday season is over! I've missed staying at home with my boy and all our one on one time. I actually feel like I'm losing my bond with Wyatt because I haven't had any alone time with him in so long!! He doesn't ever need his mother. He always wants Dad or Grami or Papaw. Very rarely will be try to crawl into my arms and when he does it is usually just to get to the person standing behind me. So with all that in mind I decided I'd spoil myself tonight and let my little man drink a night night bottle while I held him. It was so wonderful. He snuggled in with me and fell asleep in just minutes. I didn't want to go lay him down!! I can tell you one thing. I'm not going anywhere for at least a week!! Wyatt and I are going to snuggle up on the couch and enjoy our winter!

On a different note we gave our dog Katie to my cousin Shelley and Danielle today. I'm a little sad about it but just seeing how happy Miss Danielle was is making me happy for Katie. They are going to love being together! Katie totally deserves a home where she is spoiled and treated like number one and here she was just sitting out in the dog kennel all day and sleeping in our room at night. I bet she is cuddled up with Danielle right now in a nice cozy bed!! The one down side is that my dog Sable is really depressed. I'm not sure if she understands what is happened but she just laid by her food bowl tonight and didn't eat very much. Poor puppy is missing her friend. At least Sable will be able to spend more time indoors now. Although I know I'm going to miss Katie in the morning when I go to find her on the floor near my bed and she isn't there. She always laid right beside my bed under the bed skirt where it was warm.

Bye Katie Lynn
Have fun with your new family!!  We'll come visit!

Well it's late and I'm sleepy so I am done for tonight. Hopefully I'll be back before Spring!