Monday, February 12, 2007

Where has the time gone. . .

Well it's not a real blog, just pics! Wyatt had his 18 month pics done this weekend and I think they turned out pretty good. They are a little washed out for my taste but they will do! My little man is really growing up! He smiled when they wanted him to and posed like they showed him. He knew what was going on! It's amazing how fast they grow up!! Just a few months ago I was shocked when he actually sat up for a picture without falling over and now he is following instructions!

18 month professional pics

18 month professional pics

18 month professional pics

18 month professional pics

18 month professional pics

18 month professional pics

18 month professional pics

1 comment:

Bitchy Witchy said...

I'm so ignorant, I totally spaced on remembering this was here. I mean you comment on mine right?

First of all, I love these Wyatt pics, he looks like a little man. Did you sob a little? I think I will.

Second, I hope that you are doing okay in dealing with the passing of your friend. My heart goes out to you and your family. *big hugs*