Thursday, February 08, 2007

Oh Puddles!

Wyatt has officially finished his vaccinations until he is 4 years old!!! I was so excited! In fact when his pediatrician told me that I about jumped up and danced!! There is nothing I hate more in the world than holding my child down while he screams and lie to him saying it won't hurt a bit. Ugh. Anyways, you might can tell we went to Wyatt's 18 month check up and everything is going well!! He is 35 1/2 inches tall and weighs in at 27lbs! He is off the charts on his height and at 64% on his weight. I hope he can stay that way as he gets older! She also said his language skills are advanced. I have to say I agree because this week he is practically learning 4 words a day!

What else have we been up to this week you ask? Well a ton! We bought Wyatt a puppy on Saturday at the Weatherford Trade Days so I have been coping with that. I feel like I have another infant all of a sudden! I don't mind too much because Wyatt REALLY likes her! She is an English Mastiff. 10 weeks old! Very cute. We took her to the vet to be checked over on Wednesday and she weighs 11lbs and the doc said she looks healthy! We named her Piper Lou and Wyatt is so cute saying "pu pu" Yep it sounds just like what it looks like and Wyatt's Dad says its an excellent name for a puppy. I must agree! House training is hard work!! I think I'd rather just slap some Huggies on her and call it a day!! Every time she stands up I take her outside to go potty and even still we have puddles daily! Argh. All I have to say about that is whoever invented the SpotBot floor cleaner must have had a puppy!! It's fantastic!! The little scrubby brush is the exact size of a puppy puddle. I just love setting it down on a spot and clicking the button and walking away!! Even Wyatt gets into it and likes to sit next to it and watch it clean! So far there are no stains anywhere!! Love it I tell you! Couldn't live without it!

Okay so I guess I lied. We haven't been up to a 'ton'. Just up to our eyebrows in puppies. Wyatt's new favorite movie is 101 Dalmatians and he loves sitting in the chair next to me with a blanket and puppy pal (stuffed, they squirm less) and watch the first 45 minutes of the movie. Then he loses interest and gets up to play. The only problem with this is that Mommy would like to watch something other than the same movie over and over again but if I try to change it after he is done watching it he fusses and insists that I turn the movie back on. I don't know why he cares cause he isn't watching it but I guess he's listening. . .

Oh and Wyatt has learned how to do the "cheese" face. You know, the fake smile when the camera comes out!! Luckily his fake smile is adorable and makes me smile everytime!! I just love it! So on that note I think I'll end with. .

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