Thursday, May 10, 2007

An Eventful Week

Time is once again flying and as usual, it's been a while since I've updated my blog. Wyatt is 21 months old and has just had a language explosion. He knows so many words I can't keep up with him. The only word he still won't say is "Grami" and it's driving her crazy. In fact I think she is thinking of changing her name to "Mo-Mo" simply because Wyatt can actually say that. I'm sure if she just holds out a little longer my little man will get it right.
This week has been a little different here on the Spivey home front because Wyatt's Daddy has been home all week.

Last Wednesday, May 2nd, Wyatt had tubes put in his ears. It was a heart breaking experience but Wyatt didn't seem phased by it at all. He played just as hard 2 hours after the surgery as he always does and there is certainly a change in his sleeping pattern. He has been sleeping much more soundly and seems like he feels much better over all. It was a scary thing but I'm glad we did it.

Then later that evening,Greg had an accident. He stood up to flip the television from video to tv and somehow tripped on a toy (at least that is what we think happened) fell and hit his back and head on the coffee table. Wyatt was standing right next to him but thankfully he wasn't in the way of the fall. Greg knocked himself out and scared me to death. He started having convulsions and foaming at the mouth so I grabbed Wyatt and ran for the phone. I've never called 911 in my life and I was hoping to be able to make it through life without needing to. I have never been so happy to see anyone in my whole life as I was to see our local volunteer firefighters arrive on the scene. I was terrified and crying uncontrollably and poor Wyatt just kept saying "Daddy!" "Daddy" and staring at me trying to figure out what was wrong.

I had to put Wyatt in his crib so that I could answer questions for the firefighters and because I didn't want him seeing his Dad on the floor unconscious. Somehow I managed to call Grami who said she was on the way but to call my Dad. I'm not sure why I didn't call them first since they live the closest. Another thing to be thankful for! Dad and Marie arrived at my house about the time Greg regained consciousness. Marie took Wyatt for me since I couldn't quit crying and Dad went into the living room with the paramedics. They decided to put Greg on a backboard to immobilize his neck and spine just in case and managed to get him to the ambulance. I road to Dad's house and left Wyatt with Marie and Aunt Emma. My Dad took me up to our hospital in town and thankfully we were only there for a few hours! Greg was catscanned and examined and released. He was sore all over and very thankful to still be kicking!

My Mom picked Wyatt up from Marie's house and had taken him back to our house to go to bed. She said that when she was walking up the steps to our house Wyatt was calling "Momma!" looking for me. He must have been worried about us. Then when he got inside the coffee table was still there and was in pieces and he walked right over to it and pointed at it saying "Da Da" and tried to tell Grami what had happened. Poor little guy!

So that was our big excitement for the week. Greg is still home from work because he tried to go back on Monday and was dizzy and felt faint. The doctors said he has Post concussion syndrome and that he needs to take a little more time off. Wyatt is not going to know what to do with himself when Daddy goes back to work! He has really enjoyed having his Dad around. Although I can tell he is wondering about it.

On top of all of this the most momentous occasion in his life has occurred! No more bottles!!!!! Mommy finally made the plunge and decided to wean. Evidently it was Mommy who didn't want to let go because Wyatt has been mostly fine with it. We started on Monday and he has only asked for a bottle once or twice after the first day of crying. He is now going to sleep pretty fast without one for naps and bedtime! Hopefully this means the hard part is over. I must say it still makes me sad! I guess I felt like my boy couldn't be a baby any more after he gave up his bottle. But really he hasn't been a baby in a long time. He's getting to be such a big boy.

To reward him for doing so well with giving up the bottle we bought him a betta fish for his room. He loves his new fish! I think we've gone into his room at least 10 times today to say hello to "King".

I guess that is most of our adventures of the week. Hopefully we won't have any more adventures like these ever again!

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