Thursday, June 21, 2007

San Antonio!!!!!

We had a blast on our summer vacation!! I thought I'd do another little trip report of our adventure for prosperities sake!! So here goes!

We took off to Grami's house early on Wednesday the 13th of June. Our plane was set to leave at 3:50. Wyatt was excited about going on a "pwane". Grami had super shuttle pick us up at her and Papaw's exciting!!!! trip to the airport, we got on our way!

Wyatt and Daddy fell asleep almost as soon as we were in the air. (Papaw too). Something about flying must make boys sleepy.

Mom's boys sleeping.

When we arrived in San Antonio we set out for our reserved hotel but after a quick glance at it, Papaw said "No Way" and Grami called the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and booked us two rooms!! All I can say about this place is WOW!

After a lovely meal in the hotel restaurant we got a good nights sleep. The next morning we all got sunscreened up, ate another good meal at the hotel restaurant and then headed to Sea World!!

Hanging out at Sea World!

We actually arrived a bit early so we couldn't go into the main part of park. We decided to check out the Clydesdales and then head to the dolphins! Luckily the dolphin feeding time was 9:30 and we got to feed the dolphins!!!! Wyatt thought that was great!

Dolphins are so cute!

Then we headed towards Shamu stadium with a brief stop for Momma and Daddy to ride the near ride "Journey to Atlantis".

The best part of Sea World is definately the Shamu Believe show. Wyatt just loved it!! Check out his (and Grami and Daddy's) face the first time he saw a whale!! Gives you cold chills to watch!
Finally saw a whale!

So pretty!

We sat in the splash zone and boy did we get splashed! Wyatt just laughed and laughed after the whale got us! It was cold and salty but it sure felt nice!

Next we headed over to a place for lunch. It was typical park food, nothing to write home about. Since it was nap time we decided to head to the penguin exhibit because our friends said it was a great place to get cool and nap! Boy were they right! Wyatt looked at the penguins with Grami and Papaw while Mommy and Daddy got to ride the Steel Eel. It was a fun roller coaster but I've decided roller coasters are for young people! My muscles were so sore from being tense during this ride!

This is a rare picture of just Greg and I waiting in the non- existant line.
Mom and Dad about to ride the Steel Eel.

And when we got back to the penguins this is what we found!! One sleepy boy!! He was crashed out on Grami's lap!!
Great place for a nap! (Thanks Dee!)

I even got some loving when he finally woke up! Gotta get cuddles whenever and wherever you can!

It was so hot that we decided there was just nothing else we really wanted to do at Sea World so we headed back to our hotel to float in the lazy river and play in the kiddie pool. And guess what!! They had an adult pool with waitresses that would come to you while you sat in the water! Heaven!

Wyatt watched a movie with Daddy up in the room while Grami and Mom hung out in the pool. Dinner time came and we went upstairs to get the boys.

This is a shot of Grami's room. Nice!


After dinner we went on a horse drawn carriage ride across the golf course! It was a beautiful evening and we really enjoyed it!

He gave us a ride around the golf course.

This is Chip, the percheron draft horse that pulled us.


Next morning, another breakfast. Wyatt really enjoyed the fruit. In fact I think that is basically all he ate the entire week.


Back to Sea World! This time we left Papaw at the resort so he could soak in the sun. We hung out with the dolphins again.
More dolphin fun!

It was so crowded on Friday that we decided to just check out the Shamu show and the Viva show then go back to the hotel to swim. Dad and Wyatt got put up on the big screen at the Shamu stadium because of Dad being a veteran. We are proud of him too!

Daddy got to stand up when they called for service men and women to be honored and he made it up

My boy looks so small in Daddy's arms. He enjoyed the show again although this time we didn't get wet.

Back at the hotel the boy was ready to crash so he spent some time with Grami while Mom and Dad hung out in the adult pool!


Later that evening Happy Feet was being shown out on the lawn! Grami and Momma look like they are ready for a rock concert!
Waiting for Happy Feet to start out on the lawn!

The boys are really cute watching the big screen! Wyatt thought the grass was cool and enjoyed picking blades of it and throwing them onto the blanket we were sitting on.


The next day we played around the resort. We had originally planned on going into Downtown to see the Alamo but see as how the Spurs had just won the NBA championship we decided to stay away from that crazy place!

Dad and Wyatt took the time to catch up on a little coloring!

Wyatt made friends out in the kiddie pool. He got so confident in this thing that he didn't want anyone hanging onto him. It was really nice because he felt like a big boy 'swimming' all by himself!


A little lunch by the pool followed by a snow cone is my idea of perfect!

Eating a snow cone!

Mommy had to get a shot of Wyatt with his loot. You can certainly tell where we visited!!

Wyatt's loot!

I took a ton of resort photos but I decided not to bore you with all of them. But here is a shot of one of my favorite features! The lazy river!! At night it is just like floating in the bayou on Pirates of the Caribean at Disneyland


All good things must come to an end and Sunday came way too fast! We said adieu to our perfect vacation spot and had to head home! But we'll be back!!


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