Monday, September 24, 2007

Getting sneaky!

Wyatt is growing by leaps and bounds. He amazes me everyday by what he has learned. He knows all the basic colors and can pick them out of a big bunch quickly. He can sort of count to 3 on his own. His vocabulary is getting so big I don't even recognize when he learns a new word anymore. But today I thought I'd share something that really cracks me up!!

He is getting so sneaky!!!!!!

Nap time and Bedtime have really become a hassle because he is starting to come up with plans on how to stall the inevitable. Most of the time it is just "Water!" hollered out a few moments after you've shut the door. That one I can deal with! And on a very fast side note today he called me back in there and handed me two water sippies and said "Two waters", which I thought was very astute of him. Usually he just says "More waters" when there are more than one of something.

Anyways, back on topic. Today he went to nap very easily and seemed to be resigned to the fact that he had to take a nap. I was completely suckered in. An hour went by and while I was cooking some cookies for an after nap treat I heard the sound of two toys clicking together. I knew then that he was out of bed. I walked towards his door and as the floor creeked under me I heard little bitty footfalls running in his room and then the bed creek and as I opened the door I just barely caught him smoothing out his bed covers and trying to act like he was never up.

It was all I could do not to bust out laughing. I remember doing stuff like that to my Mother so I know exactly what his little mind was thinking! Poor little guy still had to take a nap but Mommy was so amused that she told him he could have a cookie when he wakes up. He didn't get back up out of bed again but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the last time.

I had to take a picture of the toys that alerted me to his naughtiness. I'm not sure how he figured I wouldn't notice them under the door. I guess maybe he hasn't reached that developmental milestone yet. . . and heaven help me when he does!

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