Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Saying the darndest things!

Life is going very well at the moment! I haven't blogged in a while though so I thought I'd start a blog that lists the things Wyatt says that crack me up. It seems like everyday something new pops out of him and makes me wonder where he came up with it. (of course some things I KNOW the origin of. . )

Like "Oh Man!" which is from Grami
and "Shoot" which is from Papaw

Today after Greg told him "No." his reply was, "Don't talk to me like that Daddy." Which proceeded to crack me up for at least 10 minutes as it was an exact impression of me.

Yep my 2 year old has shown up and the terrible twos have ensued.

Last night as he was going to bed he cried "But I don't like going night-night!!!" Which I thought was a very well put together sentence, especially considering the duress he was under.

One day while shopping for muffins he said, "Momma! Let's get out of here, this place is crazy!!" I have no idea where that one came from.

I swear there are about 100 more that my poor brain can't recall. So I'm sure I'll be back to post some more. Such a fun age!

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