Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo

Momma had a busy weekend! One of my best friends came up from College Station to show at the Fort Worth Stock Show and I of course went along as groom and company!! Lots of exhausting hours and it was the longest I've ever been away from Wyatt!! I dropped my boy off at Grami's on Thursday night and Daddy picked him up with Grandma to meet me at the Stock Show on Sunday!

Anyways, I had a great time and took a ton of pics. Not all of them are of Wyatt. . but I'll try and share just my favs here with ya'll and then some of Wyatt!

(for anyone interested in seeing a ton of horsey shots at the Palomino show feel free to visit my entire album in it's entirety but don't say I didn't warn you!Image hosted by Webshots.com)

Okay, here we go!

Friday night, Danna and Trigger warmed up outside the arena they were to compete in the next day. Trigger wasn't really being all that good a boy but he sure made some interesting shots possible. ..

Lunging in the makeup area
Trigger is gorgeous! I must admit being around a show groomed horse made me feel like my kids are woolly yaks. Oh well.. . .Spring will be here before I know it!

Trigger sees the Justin arena for the first time. (I liked this one a lot)

Warming Up
Taken from the sky box area overhead. Danna really liked this shot. I was experimenting. There was a window in front of me with a really tight mesh pattern on it and I had to shoot through it. . . go me! Lol.

Trigger's eye
Taken on Sunday in the makeup area of the show ring. For some reason they got to show in the big arena that day so I was VERY excited to be able to take a ton of pictures!!!

A little love
Danna and Trigger in a special moment before their class.

In the makeup area
Proof that we are in the big arena!!! This is were they hold the rodeo and when I was in High School I got to ride there a few times and it was amazing to me!! Funny how I'm still in awe of the arena today!

Art Deco at Will Rogers
A really cool building at the Will Roger's complex.

Okay, now on to Wyatt!!

Wyatt helped Mommy pick stalls before Danna loaded Trigger up. . .

Then he gave Trigger some loving while Trigger finished his breakfast. Trigger had finished all his showing by this point and I'm pretty sure he was a happy boy.

Lots of fun
Then we headed to the Midway after we said goodbye to Danna and Trigger. Daddy and Wyatt slid down the giant slide! Wyatt thought it was great!

Then my baby informed me I was "too big" to ride on the choo choo he wanted to ride on so he would "Do it by myself!" This was a very big moment for Mommy because I thought he was too young but he wasn't. He did great. Even let himself out of the seat when it was over. Sniff. My baby is growing up!!


Then my little brave man informed me that he wanted to ride on the Ferris Wheel . He also tried to inform Daddy and I that we were too big to ride with him but Mommy insisted he had to ride with Daddy. (Can you imagine!) Grandma and I decided to sit it out!

He was so proud of himself after he was done!! He came running over to see me!!! Such a cutie!!! I was proud of him too!


After that my camera and I had a bit of a falling out for a second and this cute shot was overexposed. But I'm including it anyways!

Watching the Hereford auction

On the block

Wyatt was really impressed by the Hereford auction. The West arena is famous for the fine auctions put on there. We had to sit and watch for a while. .

That's it for me! Sorry it has been so long between updates!! Life has been good and I guess I need to remember to update more!

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