Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tyrant Wyatt

That's right. My boy, who has been an angel since the day he was born, has turned into a full blown 3 year old tyrant. He demands what he wants, when he wants it and if he doesn't get it, throws a pretty convincing temper tantrum. I knew that I wasn't going to be so lucky as to avoid all of the 'terrible (insert whatever age your child is right now)' behavior that Mother's with older children love to reminisce over, but it has been a bit like Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde at my house and I'm ready for this phase to end!!!

Other than the demanding me me me behavior my baby is also using the "I don't like you" war tactic developed in secret rooms during foreign wars. Those words will shoot daggers into any Mother's heart but when you hear them daily you learn to shrug them off. I've also noticed there is a pretty good pattern to my popularity around here. IE: Whenever things are going Wyatt's way I'm the most loved Mother ever! and when nap time roles around he no longer wants to live here, and is in fact packing a bag to move to Grami's because he is NEVER mistreated at Grami's! (Of course whenever he's at Grami's and nap time roles around he demands a phone to call his Mommy to come and get him because Grami is so mean!) It's pretty comical and hopefully VERY brief!!

I must admit, only one thing saves him when I'm up to my eyeballs in annoyance. He's so darn cute it's hard to stay angry at him. Especially when he says, "Mommy! You can't be mad! You have to be happy, like this!", and then proceeds to make the biggest smile ever at me. He's right. Can't stay mad with logic like that!

Here's some recent pics of my little Tyrant. .
Wyatt's new Thomas boots and umbrella. He loves those things!

Using Chopsticks for the first time. He thought they were cool!!! And he was pretty good with them!

Hanging out at home in his new work outfit. He got some real tools and has been fixing various object around the house ever since!

That's it for us! Hope everyone else is having a Tyrant free week!!

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