Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Last Day of Summer

Today is the day I dread all year. Even during the school year I dread today.  I look forward (with an actual countdown) to the day school releases my Wyatt for summer and dread the day before school starts the minute he is free!  Tomorrow we get up early, get dressed, get breakfast, get in the car, (don't forget the sister) and get to school on time where we will try not to cry as we separate for the day.  Hopefully Wyatt will be successful but I doubt I will.

Kids grow up too fast. I know school is important and I know he loves it but I sure do hate how fast it makes everything go! Before you know it Summer will be here again and we will be done with elementary school!!!!!  Sigh.

Yesterday the three of us went to the zoo (Dad was at work) to just spend time together!  We were there a few weeks ago but we still managed to spend 4 hours looking at all the animals and visiting and talking and eating.  It was heaven. I really love my kids! Hadley was pretty content in her stroller but she spotted the birds and was very interested in them and as usual she loved the fishies.  There is a new baby elephant named Bowie and we all loved seeing him. (that makes two babies for the zoo elephant herd this year!)

Wyatt was super excited to get to talk to the keepers at the Gharial exhibit.  He asked a great question of the keeper: "Why do the males have a bulbous nose?" to which the keeper replied, "No one really knows!"  Maybe Wyatt will be a scientist and figure that out!  He sits in the dining area near the Gharials and gets so cranky when he hears everyone call them alligators lol.  Cracks me up!!  The keeper said that bothers him all the time too! Wyatt was impressed with them. Who knows.. . maybe scientist instead of baseball player?

Today we are staying home trying for a day of normalcy and xbox.  Hadley is actually napping much to her dismay after sleeping from 9 last night until 6:15 this morning, then from 6:45 to 8:45.  She was TIRED!  She didn't have a nap yesterday while we were at the zoo because she absolutely refuses to nap in her stroller! She might miss something you know. . .  She got to eat snow cone again and was a bigger fan this time.  That's my girl!!

Meet the teacher night went well!! Wyatt got the teacher he wanted so badly.  She was one of his second grade teachers and had moved up to 3rd grade.  At least I know she loves him! They talk Harry Potter together so I'm hopeful it'll be a great year!! Now back to enjoying my , I mean Wyatt's, last day of summer.

In his class room and at his desk!

3rd Grade Hallway!

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