Thursday, August 22, 2013

Whoa. That was a BIG jump.

Okay Okay so I'm not known for my follow through.  I'll admit it. I've never had any. I'll start a project with gusto and quickly peter out to a tiny puff of wind!! The first day of editing photos I will go gung ho at it and have a ton posted. . .then the next day I'll do 3. . . then 2. . . then I'm looking at my last 12 going. . . these are great photos, get to them!   So it's no surprise that my last blog post was in 2010.  So what to do. . go back and fill in the missing pieces?  Possible but not now. . who has time for that!!  With that in mind I decided to just jump back in like I posted yesterday. . . only I'll update on what happened yesterday a bit to catch everyone up! lol (yesterday being a figurative time frame more encompassing the last year).

Everyone who knows me and who would have any interest in this blog in it's past knows that we are now a family of four!!!  YAY! Wyatt has a little sister!!  Miss Hadley Jane Spivey was born January 4th of this year and we couldn't be more smitten! Especially Wyatt, just ask him.  She is about to be 33 weeks (7 1/2 months old) and is just a happy girl!!!

I've discovered that I LOOOVE cooking. . (I know who would have ever guessed that. . . )  I love recipes. I can read them like a novel. . . send me old recipe books and I'll pour over them. . . which means I'm going to liven up this place with a new recipe or two in all likely hood. Can't help it!!  Although to do that I will have to get my camera out. . .oh geeze.

We have a lot more critters at the ranch, and have lost some as well. . . We have 4 new horses since our last time posting, Tavaci, my 6 year old mustang from Nevada, Pretty our 3 year old mustang from Oregon, and Teddy and Charlie. . our mini's from Ennis. lol.  Which this brings me to my newest and quite encompassing addiction. . Mustangs.  Yeah. There may be some posts here about mustangs in the future. .

Our losses hurt and we still miss them all.  We lost Sunny to Colic in 2012, Sable passed this January, Ron is gone, Dizzy is gone, and we lost a kitten I adored named Milo.  However we do have more cats than we did. . . a grand total of 7. . . Mr. Schwartz is 15 this year, we have Soot, who is 14 (he lived with me in college as well), Harry who is 8, Hermy 5, Happy, 1, Trouble 3, Della 2.   We have 4 dogs. . . Piper will be 7 this fall, Ella Beans, 3, Lady, 6, and Scoot who is 1.

So that's a run down on who is out here! lol.  Wyatt is 8 this year and is just about to start 3 rd grade!!!!  I can't believe it.  Time goes way too quickly when you would prefer it crawl!  

Quick photos until I have more free time!!


Hadley LOVES her brother! 

Here Mom!!!  Have a toy! 

First vacation! San Antonio! 

I'll be back! I promise!! Have a yummy winging it dinner to post later!!

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