Friday, February 16, 2007

Belated Disneyland Trip Report

I just realized I somehow missed telling everyone how our trip to Disneyland went!! It's been 2 months coming but today I decided it might be fun to revisit our trip to the "Happiest Place on Earth".

After a crazy November of Nanowrimo, I was glad to finally get a chance to start packing for our trip when November drew to a close! For two days straight I packed and gathered and plotted and planned until finally on December 1st we packed it all in the Tahoe and headed to Grami and Papaw's house to spend the night. On December 2nd Grami drove us to the airport and we somehow made it on the plane with a 15 month old!! For only adding one person to our entourage we sure ended up with a lot more luggage and carry on!

Wyatt loved the airport and the airplane! He chilled in his carseat and looked out the window while we were flying and was a very good boy!! We only took out the DVD player for a few minutes and the rest of the time he stayed entertained by talking to his Dad.


When we arrived in Anaheim we grabbed a Taxi and loaded up and headed to our hotel!! We arrived a day before the Peterson's and had to check in to the hotel for both of us. Unfortunately we arrived about 4 hours before our rooms would be ready. What to do, What to do!! I know! Let's head to Disneyland for lunch!!!!!!

Now not many people know of my complete obsession with Disneyland. So let me tell you who don't I spend most of my free time in life day dreaming of Disneyland. I visit Disneyland websites daily on the internet including forums of people who are equally obsessed. So to take Wyatt to Disneyland for the first time was something I'd been dreaming about since I found out we were having him!! And let me tell you, the dream wasn't as great as reality!! Wyatt loved the park!!



As we walked down Main Street for the first time as parents there was a parade starting so we ducked into a restaurant (Coke Corner) and had a Sourdough Chili Bowl and watched the Christmas floats roll past!! Wyatt was mesmerized! He sat on top of Dad's shoulders just taking it all in!


After the parade we still had a few hours before our rooms were ready so I decided the best first ride for my little man was Small World!! And since it is Christmas it was all decked out for the season! Wyatt sat in awe on his Daddy's lap just looking at all the dolls inside and when it was over he didn't want to get off.


The next ride we decided to go on was Pinnochio in Fantasyland. It's a cute short Dark ride and it turned out to be one of Wyatt's favorites of the trip. At the end he screamed and cried because he didn't want to get off and the nice lady that was working said, "Want to go again?" So around we went again!



After riding the carousel a half a dozen times we headed back to our hotel and crashed!! Wyatt went to sleep for the night at 5:00 (which really was 7:00 our time and considering he didn't have a nap was to be expected).

Sunday the 3rd we woke up and headed to Denney's for breakfast then back to park around opening (10:00). The Peterson's were set to arrive around noon so we didn't have much time in the park before they got there! Once they arrived we headed back to the hotel and gave them their keys, greeted them, then headed back to the park to wait on them to take showers and walk over. That day was crazy in the park because of the Candlelight Ceremony being held that evening. It was next to impossible to ride many things because of the crowds so we mainly stuck with the train and Fantasyland.



The rest of the week is an obvious blur of happiness. Wyatt loved all the rides he rode and wasn't afraid of anything! I think he could have handled some of the roller coasters if he had been big enough. I'm not sure if the next time he goes he will be as brave! I hope so!













One thing I miss is how fun it was to share a room with my boy. He slept in his pack'n play right next to us and in the morning he would climb up into bed with us and cuddle! Plus it is really fun to watch him sleep! I don't get to do that nearly enough anymore!


The plane ride home wasn't as pleasant as the ride there. For some reason Wyatt's ears wouldn't pop when we were descending into DFW and he screamed for a good 10 minutes while I held him trying to make it better. That was really hard on Mommy and certainly the worst part of the whole trip!!


I'm already missing Disneyland but I know we won't be able to go this year. We are planning a trip to San Antonio and Sea World in May and a trip to the Beach this summer. But next year we think we are going to take Grami and Papaw on their first trip to Disneyland!! That should be a blast!! (Although I'll miss my fellow Disneyland nut Marie and the rest of the Peterson's. Wyatt really enjoyed getting to hang out with his Pa-Pa and Mimi. He loves his Aunt Emma and Uncle Lukeus too. I'm pretty sure even Uncle Lukeus was warming up to him by the end of the trip!)

So that is pretty much it!! I can't wait to take Wyatt again!

1 comment:

Bitchy Witchy said...

LOL I have to admit, I'm not a Disney Fan. *gasp* I know please don't hate me! But after looking at your pics, I kinda think I want to take Braedy!