Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Busy Bee

Boy keeping up with blogging is hard!! I find that if I don't post often, I don't post at all!! So here goes a renewel atempt!!

Wyatt is doing great. He is such a busy boy. He doesn't have much time to hang out with his Momma. He moves from one thing he can pull up on to another. If I set the living room up right he almost makes it across the room without having to get down and crawl!! It's very funny. I think he is so focused on learning to walk that he couldn't care less about learning to talk. He doesn't do anything on request. No waving bye-bye, or giving Mommy five, or repeating syllables. Maybe he is to young for that. . certainly is to busy for it!!

Wyatt had his first haircut on Saturday. It was fun. He looks great. Surprisingly he didn't squirm too much. It helped that Angie's daughter Brailey was there and Wyatt enjoyed pulling her hair and grabbing her nose. Angie would be cutting or combing Wyatt's hair and encourging him to grab Brailey's hair and pull. Poor Brailey. It's a good thing she isn't tender-headed.

Sleeping is going much better than it was. Wyatt has slept thru the night for a long time now but Greg and I were used to letting him fall asleep on us first before laying him down. So for naps he was just laying beside me in the living room on the couch. Then I read that he was supposed to be sleeping 11 hours a night and getting around 3 hours worth of naps a day. Since we were nowhere near those amounts I decided we needed to change our routine. So now Wyatt goes down for 2 naps a day in his crib, and we just lay him down after his bath in the evenings. He falls asleep pretty fast now!! It's great. Plus the bonus is he stays asleep longer!!! Even the time change hasn't bothered him. He still goes to sleep at 8 p.m. and wakes up around 7 a.m. Works for me!!

We recently ordered DSL so now I can upload videos of Wyatt. I wanted to share one little video today as well. Most people have already watched it but I wanted to see if I can do this. So here goes: This is a video of Wyatt riding Sterling with his Dad

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1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm glad you guys are posting more again! We're trying to do the same thing. Amy - your accent is too cute! :) I love that Wyatt will be so familiar with horses too. I think I'm too big of a chicken to get on one.