Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Pool time!

Is it Wednesday already? Wow, this week is going by fast. I didn't do much today compared with yesterday but it was nice to be back on schedule! I finally decided it was time to be brave and let Wyatt try a cracker today. I gave him one of the low fat Saltines and he loved it!! Crushed it to smithereens but the part he ate he loved!! He ate 5 crackers and drank a bottle of juice (from a cup!!) and then took a long nap. He hasn't been sleeping much at night so I'm hoping crackers help him not get so hungry! LOL. He has been waking up at 4:30 every morning wanting a bottle. Since that is going backwards I liked to cut that out! Tonight before bed he had 5 crackers and a jar of baby food so maybe he won't get hungry!! I can dream. .

Wyatt decided to start acting like a 2 year old today. It's pretty funny! When I got to pick him up from somewhere he's not supposed to be he gets so mad and yells!! He even smacked my arm once. He is getting his own ideas about how things should be that is for sure!! He has also started giving love pats on request. It's not quite a hug but it'll have to do!! And I don't even dare dream of kisses!!

Grami brought Wyatt a pool yesterday and he loved it!! He thought it was so much fun!! It was cold water but he didn't care at all!! I took some really cute photos of him playing in it. I can't wait until Summer comes and we can go swimming in Grami's and Pa-Paw's pool! It will be like my life has come around full circle!! Last year I was swimming in the pool because I felt as big as a whale and this year I'll be floating in the pool with what caused me to feel as big as a whale!! And he's much cuter on the outside than he was on the inside!

The weather people say we might get storms tonight so I'm about to go outside and bring in the horses. They like to be in the barn when it's raining and I can't say that I blame them!

Well I think I might go soak in a nice bubble bath when I'm done moving horses!! That sounds heavenly!

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