Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Chew Chew!!!!

Wyatt has finally done it!! He ate something that wasn't mush!! He ate a fruit puff!!! Not only did he eat a fruit puff, but he fed it to himself!! I've been trying to teach him how to do this for weeks!! Then this evening he just put one in his mouth and chewed! It was like he has been doing it his whole life. Sigh. Maybe he will eat real food before he is 10 years old.

He also stood several more times on his own. In fact once he bent over to pick something up and then stood up without touching anything. He has good balance!! I'm so proud of him!!

We are going to meet a friend from Momma Zone tomorrow at a place here in town. It should be a lot of fun because her son Jacob is just a week or so older than Wyatt!! He loves people his age!! Plus we are going to go see some really big fish and he loves fish!!

Nap time is still going extremely well!! In fact it has become so routine that I know before he is about to cry that it is time for a nap and I just make him a bottle and lay him down with it. I know that is not a good thing because he's not learning to go to sleep without his bottle but we generally don't put him down in the evenings with his bottle. We did tonight though because he fell asleep before he even started his bottle.

This morning he woke up sooooo early. (5:30). Greg decided to just change his diaper and give him his bottle and let him drink it in his bed. Well, he fell back asleep until 8:30. I knew he wasn't done sleeping yet!! Maybe that will cure him of these early morning wake ups. He wakes at 6 then back down at 8:30 for his first nap. That is crazy.

Well I guess I'd better get off here and go to bed too!! We have a busy day tomorrow!

1 comment:

Heather said...

He stood without holding onto anything?? It must be sitting on Sterling all the time. My balance sure isn't that good. Mommy says that you should try Cheerios soon too! I love them. In fact, I like them WAY more than those puff things and they're healthier too.