Friday, April 07, 2006

Growing up is hard to do!!

Today is Friday!! I'm so happy! Not sure why I'm happy it's Friday. I look forward to everyday but for some reason I love Fridays!! Wyatt is napping again. He has been waking up really early and then taking a really early nap. Not sure how to stop that. He has been a little cranky lately so maybe he is getting his next tooth. We are up to a grand total of 7 right now. Just waiting on 8!

I bought bubbles yesterday at Walmart. I can't wait to try them with him!! We are going to go outside after his nap is over and see what he thinks. He may not even notice them! He has been so busy lately he won't even slow down to look me in the eye. Ever! I'm not sure if all babies are like that or if Wyatt is just super busy but it is sad because I don't feel like he is listening to me half the time I'm talking. I wonder what the next months will bring. This last month has been a doozy as far as what Wyatt has learned to do. He's gone from Army crawling to cruising around on the furniture. He rarely falls down now unexpectedly so he doesn't bump his head as often on things (thank goodness).

Everybody told me that time goes really fast after you have babies and I didn't really believe them. The first few months after I had Wyatt I remember thinking, "Ha! Time will never go fast again" but I was wrong. It is flying by. I found myself in the baby department at Walmart yesterday and I got teary eyed just standing next to all the baby clothes. Wyatt went from a 6 month size to 18 month practically over night! I can shop in the toddler area now. And for some reason that makes me so sad. But then I remember the stuff I'm looking forward to with Wyatt. Like going to Disneyland, Chuckecheese, Six Flags, Casa Maniana, Wet N Wild, etc. . I'm looking forward to seeing the world thru his eyes again. At the rate we are going I'll see it all again in just a few years. (But it will seem like it's just tomorrow!)

1 comment:

Heather said...

My mommy says she feels the exact same way about all the little baby clothes in the store. She wants to have another baby, but isn't sure. I didn't like the bubbles my mommy bought me at first. BORING! Then all of a sudden I thought they were cool so if Wyatt doesn't think much of them, keep trying! Hey - I have 7 teeth too :) Also, I'm not too busy for my mommy. In fact, sometimes she wishes I was a little busier. You sound like you're working super hard to be independant Wyatt!