Thursday, April 13, 2006

Meet and Scream!

Today has been a busy day. Actually this whole week has been hectic!! Yesterday Wyatt and I went to meet a friend from Momma Zone at Bass Pro Shops. Mikayla has a son Jacob that is just a few weeks older than Wyatt. I thought my little guy would have a lot of fun 'playing' with Jacob but boy was I wrong!!!! Whenever Jacob would try to touch him Wyatt would just start crying as hard as he could. It was so bizarre because he wouldn't stop!! Mommy didn't help at all and he kept wanting to go to Jacob's parents. You would think if he was scared he would want his Mommy but he didn't. It made me so sad for him!!!

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Here are a few more pictures of Jacob and Wyatt having a better time!

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Today I got to thinking that maybe something was wrong with him so I called the nurse. Since this is a holiday weekend she made us an appointment just in case. So we had the Doctor appt at 3 today and nothing is wrong with him. It was nice to see Dr. Hollis but I wish I knew why he was being so weird. Dr. Hollis thinks he might just be teething. I guess I'll find out soon enough!!
Tomorrow is Good Friday so we are going to spend the day with Grami! I hope he is feeling better! We are going to go have his picture made with the Easter bunny so if this new fear is stranger anxiety I guess I'll know that too!!

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