Friday, January 06, 2006

And so it begins. . .

Today Wyatt made that first little baby steps towards crawling. He has been tucking his feet under his body for a little while but today he went one step farther. He actually raised his body on all fours and started rocking!! (Of course he then quickly nose dived into the ground, but it was a start!). I hear that once they start the rocking on all fours crawling is not far behind. That scares me for so many reasons!! What if there is something on the ground I don't know about that he can choke on? Like those little annoying plastic tags that come on toys? They get everywhere and I always drop one!! And then there is cat hair everywhere!! Do I really want him nose diving into the dog bed? How sanitary can that be? Then there are pictures and plants on our entertainment system right at his level!! How am I going to keep him out of those? I thought about fencing them off but decided that t-posts wouldn't be a real asset to our floors. I could always use electric fence. Nah, I'd probably shock myself all the time. (and no I would not really put electric fence anywhere Wyatt could get to. The cats are another story). Oh and the cats!! And Dogs!!! Their life as they know it will definitely be over. I bet I have a lot more animals that want to go outside all the time!! Even the lazy ones will want to go out for a peaceful nap on the patio furniture! Then there are the outlet plugs. Wyatt is one smart little boy!! How long until he figures out to just unplug the stuff plugged in to be able to stick his own little fingers in those holes.
Oh geesh!! My life as I know it could be over soon!! I know I said that when I had a newborn but I was just getting the hang of this sedentary Mommy thing. I mean sure, we move around the house a lot and go outside and walk, but what am I going to do when it's not me who is picking where we go? Everyone says that when your baby starts crawling your job gets harder!! Plus it means he is just growing up to be such a big boy and I really just want him to stay 5 months forever. Ask my Mom, I said I wanted him to stay 2 weeks forever back in the beginning and I still stand by that!! Although sleeping thru the night is kinda nice, and I would like to hear Mommy I love you sometime. See previous post. So maybe crawling won't be so bad. I mean it is just one more step to being able to say I love you. Not that I don't enjoy drool kisses, which is how he tells me now. Oh boy. Can't stop time. I guess he'll just drag me along kicking and screaming until he is taller than me and has kids that I can spoil. Hmm Grandkids, that seems like a good deal.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Wow Amy! You summed up how I feel to a tee. Ryan is at the rocking stage now and all of a sudden the house looks WAY messier than it should. WTG Wyatt!