Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hills, Rocks, and Blisters - Oh My!!

Okay, Okay. I don't believe in New Years Resolutions really. They don't seem to work for anyone for very long. I think you have to decide to do something for yourself rather than simply because the year has changed. So that being said I don't have a New Year's resolution. I do however have a New Year's plan! It is simply to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!! I don't mean go grocery shopping or out to eat. I mean go outside and enjoy the wonderful 80 degree weather. (Yes it is Winter but Texas hasn't noticed yet).
So to that end Wyatt (and thru him me) received a new Jogging Stroller for Christmas. Now before you start laughing I don't intend on using it for actual jogging. That would be dangerous. Nope I only want it so I can make it over the boulders in our lane. My particular corner of the world is littered with many mini asteroids. Others call them rocks, but I think they are multiplying far to fast to be inorganic. They are everywhere here on our property. And everytime the wind picks up more arrive. So to walk around here a regular stroller is out. It wouldn't even take a day to ruin one of those 200 dollar Graco strollers. Those guys are meant for malls only not trips to our mailbox.
Today I decided to get started on my plan. Wyatt finished up a nap at 11:00 and by 11:30 I was out the door in some hideous workout outfit in my new Tennys. Now I didn't exactly plan Wyatt's attire correctly. I left him in his pajamas and brought a blanket assuming it would be below 80 degrees outside. Pretty sure I was wrong, because before I made it to the barn to pick up the stroller I was sweating. So I strapped my new walking buddy in and headed out towards my Dad and Step-Mom's house. It's not that far just about 1/4 mile. I've ridden my horse there many times. I have never walked it howerver and soon discovered that it was like trekking up the Chisos Mountains in Big Bend. Seemed like we would never get there. The rocks were huge and I imagine poor little Wyatt was bounced practically out of his seat several times (thank God for 5 point harness systems) Let me just say that the trip up was so rough half way there I decided I would attach the safety line to my wrist in case I fell over dead and Wyatt began the backwards race home. I figured that would prevent him from crashing into the creek going 100 miles an hour.
After what seems like forever (was really on 10 minutes) I arrived at my desitination. Past my child to his MiMi and headed for some water!! Wyatt didn't even have the decency to pretend it was rough. He just laughed and laughed at me. I told him he had better quit or he'd have to find another ride home. So after a quick break I headed back home. Now let me tell you. The hill wasn't quite as bad on the way home but I had to use some breaking techniques to keep the stroller from making the aforementioned trip down the lane. When we were almost home I realized that my foot was starting to hurt. Great my lovely new Tenny's had made a lovely little blister. So I had to walk funny the rest of the way. All I had left in our trip was a little hill that leads up from the creek. I thought ahh, I can do this without puffing and breaking a sweat. Wrong. When you walk funny it's hard to push a jogging stroller up hill and even harder to do over the many more rocks the wind had blown in while we were gone. (I swear there was twice as many now as when we left)
Needless to say I'm tired and I'm sore and you know what? Wyatt somehow managed to take a nap while crossing the Continental divide. Those rocks must be lulling to him. Crazy. Maybe I should put his crib on an earth quake fault in California. That would bounce him to sleep.
Oh boy can't wait to do it again tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I just wanted to say that when MY crib was on the San Andreas fault in California, I slept through the night! Now that I'm not on shaky ground, I don't sleep so well. Oh yeah, and my mommy says Hi and she thinks you're a wonderful writer : ) Say hi to Wyatt for me!