Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Driving Mr. Colin

Well today was a great day here at the Spivey Homestead. I wasn't home all day!!! Wyatt and I had a date with our best friend Sherri and Colin. Now I've known Sherri for most of my life, so in case you don't know her let me introduce her. We went to High School together. We were best friends. We went to College together. We were best friends. Lived together. She was the greatest roomie ever!! She was the Maid of Honor at my wedding. She drove to College Station and helped me move. She was there the night Wyatt was born So needless to say she is pretty important in my life. Well she got married a year before me low and behold we got pregnant around the same time!!! So not only have we shared so much of our lives together we were both going to have babies together!! (well not together together but you know what I mean) I can't tell you how exciting that makes everything. So when we found out that we were both having boys it just all seamed like God's plan to me.

Anyways, back to today. Wyatt and I went and picked up Colin (her little boy, who is 7 weeks younger than Wyatt and just adorable, naturally) and his Mommy and took off. We went and visited Colin's NiNi (hope I spelled that right) who works at a children's dentist. Who knew kids were supposed to go to the dentist when they are one. So I guess I found Wyatt a dentist. Of course everyone there thought they were so cute. Then we took off to go eat Thai food like an hour away. We love Thai food and it was great to find a restaurant that serves a decent chicken/beef basil!! Mmmmm. . . . Wyatt even thought that it looked yummy. Colin slept, well mostly slept. Then I unfortunately had to take them back home and return myself to my far away land. (we live like an hour from everybody) We had so much fun. Wyatt thought Colin was so cool. When Colin would cry Wyatt would just stop making noise and just look at him like "Should I be crying to? What is wrong with you? Anything I can do to help?" I can see that in just a few years, maybe months the way they are growing, that they are going to be best friends just like I planned. Maybe they will even go to College together!!

1 comment:

Krista said...

Hi Wyatt's Mommy! I hope I have a "best friend" when I grow up, just like you have!
Hey I have a cousin that is 3 months younger than me. I can't wait til she is older so I can play with her too. When she started crying last time she was here I cried tot so I could help her tell her mommy she was unhappy! And it worked!