Thursday, January 05, 2006

To Write or Not to Write. . . .

Well today was another good day. Wyatt and I headed out to the grocery store and got back before my Gilmore Girls was on. (I can't help it I'm terribly addicted.) When Greg got home we all went for a walk. It was fun. I made Dad carry Wyatt and let me tell you walking over those rocks is a whole lot easier than pushing a stroller over them!!! I'm thinking I need to hook up a horse to the stroller and drive it like a buggy for tomorrow's walk. Hmmm. . wonder if Sterling would go for it. I'm sad today because I wanted to take some picutres of Wyatt being cute in his new hat Grammi bought for him but my camera is awol. (And no I didn't lose it, it just got left at Grammi's. Along with the diaperbag. I know bad Mommy). I'll take some photos this weekend of Wyatt in his cute little hat and get them posted because it would really be a shame if no one saw it!!

Anyways on to the purpose for this post. My Mom suggested that I write a childrens book today and it sure sounds like fun. I've always like writing and drawing and I wonder if I could do it. If nothing else I could write books for Wyatt!! I'm sure he would enjoy them. Or maybe I could start a business and do personalized books for other peoples kids. My Step-Mom bought my little sister a bunch of books with her name in them so there is probably a market. Problem is I'd have to find somewhere to publish them and still be able to aford to sell them!! I think this project needs more thought. My big problem in life is I have all these plans that I'd like to do but I just have a small amount of follow thru driving them on. I guess I should just dive in a see what happens!!! I think I'll go do a bunch of internet research on personalized books!!! Maybe that will give me some ideas! Only thing I'm sure of is that Wyatt will be my muse!!! I can write stories for him and if they keep him entertained maybe they could keep other kids entertained.
So much to do, so little free time to do it!! I guess if I have time to write in a blog and keep up with the MommaZone babies (and Mommies) I could find some time to write!!! Okay now I just need a new pin and some cool pencils and some paint of somekind or something and a new note book to write in!! It's like going back to school!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I think you are a wonderful writer! I enjoy reading your blog and bet you'd do great with children's books. When I was younger, my grandma bought me a personalized book. Makes a kid feel pretty special : ) You'll have to let us know how things go!

Heather (highbrassduo)