Saturday, January 07, 2006

Four Legged Triumph

Today is a Saturday. I love Saturdays and I hate them all the same. Today is the day Wyatt goes to visit his Grammi and Pa-paw's so Mommy and Daddy can sleep and get some stuff done around the house. But today is also the day where Mommy and Daddy walk around the house moping because we miss Wyatt. It's just a no-win situation.
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Today however I decided to actually do something big with my free time. My first baby is almost 3!! She is close to 1000 lbs now!! (Did I mention she is a horse?) Sonora will turn 3 in May and I'm ashamed to say that I have somewhat neglected her since we had Wyatt. Before Wyatt I spent at least an hour a day with her. She loves to be loved. When she was first born she would stand there for hours while I pet her or she would lay down next to me in the field while her 'Biological' Mom ate. We spent many hours swimming in the pond together. In fact we almost drowned together once because she was going down and I wouldn't let go.

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(Lucky for us her 'Biological' Mother drug us both out. Okay maybe that isn't such a great story) Since I've moved here to our new home I haven't had the time or energy or health to mess with her much. I've only ridden like 5 times since I had Wyatt 5 months ago!! Sterling is thankful for that but that means I haven't been taking Sonora out with us. (Just in case you were wonderin' Sterling is Sonora's real Mom. I just decided Sterling was going to have her.) I haven't even put a Saddle on little Sonora since last fall!!! So today I changed all that. She should already be at the track if she were to follow her Father's destiny. I didn't want to send her to the track (didn't have the money even if I wanted to) so she has just spent many hours hanging out with Sterling and Sunny getting fat.

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Anyways, back to today. Greg and I have been working hard on a round pen so that I can work with Sonora and not get killed. We finished it last week. So today I tried it out!! Sonora was really good in it without the saddle so I saddled her up and worked her again!! NO BUCKING!! I can't tell you what a miracle that is because up until then she bucked every time I put the Saddle on. Maybe she's been thinking it over all the months that she has had off. Whatever it is she was better tonight that she was a year ago!! So I decided to have my Husband come and help me and I actually put a leg up and hung from the saddle!!! That is such a major step!! She didn't even seem to care. Just looked a little worried that I might fall off!! I had Greg walk her around while I was laying over the saddle and she did great!! I jumped off and called it a night!! To those of you who don't have horses, this is like the first steps of a baby!!! It is huge!! I'm so excited. I can't wait until next weekend when I'll actually mount up for the first time!!!! Whoo Hoo!! Go Sonora!! Image hosted by

1 comment:

Heather said...

WTG Sonora! My mom has had horses on and off over the last few years (has two teenage drafts right now) and the babies are always so fun! The last baby she had was Colby and I was the first person to brush him. I'll always remember how scared of horses I was :) She had a (teenage) colt that we called Fabio because he was blonde and arrogant... Scared the crap out of me!
