Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Nocturnal Boy

Today has been a good day. Well other than the fact that Wyatt's best friend is still in the hospital after a very scary weekend. But Colin is doing much better thankfully and will hopefully be out soon!! I think I will post about this when Colin is safely home and doing well!

Wyatt had to go to Grammi's house last night so that his Dad and I could go see Colin's Mommy and Daddy and offer our support. Wyatt didn't mind and I'm sure he really enjoyed getting to spend some more time with Pa-paw and Grammi but he didn't appreciate the fact that we picked him up late!! It was 9:30 and he was sleeping sooooo hard he didn't wake up when I transfered him to his carseat. He slept all the way home but when we got there he woke up. I should have known he'd make me pay for waking him up!! He went back to sleep but only slept until 3:30. Then he was bright eyed and bushy tailed! I however was heavy eyed and grumpy. I finally convinced him that it was not in fact 7:00 in the morning and that he did have to sleep some more before he could play. I finally got back in bed at 4:30. However I couldn't go to sleep so I laid there until he woke up again at 5:00. Luckily my husband is wonderful and got up and put him back to sleep. Then he slept until 8:45!!! That is the latest he has ever slept!! I was getting really worried about him. Hope he doesn't do that tonight!! (well at least the waking up part.) I think I'll head to bed and get a head start on my sleep!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Ugh - I do that to my mommy and daddy all the time if they don't stick to my schedule. Lately, even when they do stick to the schedule, I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and refuse to go back to bed for an hour until they feed me and cuddle me. I don't know why I do this because I haven't needed to eat at night in a LOOOOONG time.