Monday, January 09, 2006

Cowboys and Kitties

Let me just start this by saying I think that I was born to ride horses. I didn't actually get to start until I was six when in a brilliant act on my Mom's part I started taking riding lessons. She thought it would just be a phase but boy was she wrong!! I think that over the years my happiest moments were on horseback. Needless to say I have high hopes that my son loves to ride as much as I do. If he doesn't that's okay with me but I sure will miss him on my rides!! So last night I decided to do a photo op with him so that he can show all his future Cowboy friends that he really started riding before he could crawl!! And I think he's going to be quite good at it. He actually held on to the saddle horn and the rein and was looking around like "lets go Sterling". He has good balance and didn't seem afraid at all. I have a huge fear of turning into one of the "horse-show Moms". You know the equivalent to a "beauty queen Mom" or a "my kid is going to do everything I do and love it Mom". I hope that I can let Wyatt make up his own mind about his likes and dislikes. If he doesn't like it there is always the next kid!! (Ha Ha).
Next subject! This morning I woke up and decided that I hadn't seen one of my indoor kitties in a day or so. Miss Yoda is her name and she is my favorite animal of all of them if you can believe that. I saved her from a dog when she was very very little. She should have still been with her Mom but I had her and didn't know where her Mom was. When I took her to the vet they tried to get some blood to test her for feline leukemia and they couldn't get any because she was so anemic. So I raised her in my room until she got big enough to be tested. (we didn't want to risk the other kitties being exposed to anything). So Yoda grew up sleeping right beside my head and slightly under the covers. She gives kisses and is terrified of most people. She comes when called almost like a dog. (better than some dogs, Katie you know who you are). She is special and is not allowed outside the house under any circumstance. Now this rule has been broken before but not on purpose. When I was in the hospital having Wyatt some how she snuck past my Mom and stayed outside for over 2 days!! She came back and was fine but boy was I worried. So to find her missing was quite a shock this morning. I called and called and called, until Wyatt thought I had changed his name to Miss Yoda. No sign of her. She was not in the house. Of course I had visions of something horrible happening to her like being electrocuted and hid under the bed and I would find her until long after she was gone. Scary. I started thinking that maybe she had jumped thru the screen on the window yesterday while it was open. Schwartz, her brother had gotten out that way earlier in the day. However there was no sign of her anywhere outside. So finally when my husband got home for lunch I made him crawl under our trailer and look for her. He said he didn't see her anywhere and my heart dropped because I had been hoping she was sitting safely under the trailer hiding until she got brave enough to come in. I went and sat on the porch steps and just called and called until I finally heard a little meow back!! It was her!!! Thank the lord!! She wouldn't come out but she was under the house!! Whew. My husband tried again in vain to crawl in to get her but she was acting scared. So I had to leave her out there!! Then around mid-afternoon I looked outside and she was just sunning on the porch. Brat. I opened the door and she just came waltzing in like she went outside all the time. Then she had the audacity to stare at the door this evening like, "Can't I go back out?" Huh Huh, no way!!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm amazed at you sitting on the horse so well! My mommy says you look like a natural. I don't know anything about kitties, but I'm glad she found hers!