Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Hello Mr. Tooth!!

Well it is official. My boy is growing up. He got his first tooth thru the surface tonight. It's amazing because just this morning I checked and there wasn't much there. Just two little bumps. Then tonight WHAM, one tooth thru and the other peeking at it!! I'm so excited. (It was probably that stroll over our boulders we took today. They must have jostled it out! See previous post.) I can't believe how fast babies grow up. He is almost 6 months old and it seems like just yesterday that he was born.
Wyatt has learned a new trick too. He sings!! (Well sorta) He makes this sound with the back of his throat then throws in a high pitched hum with it. It's hilarious!! I can't keep from smiling. In fact every time he warms up I mute the TV and just stare and listen. It's the most wonderful song I've ever heard!! Of course I tried to sing with him today but he wants no accompaniment. He will stop singing and just look at me like "Mom, you don't know the words to this one!!" So I have to sit and listen to him do his solo. Not that I mind, my vocal skills are minimal at best!
We also just got a bath seat. What a great thing!! He will just sit and splash for a really long time. He LOVES it. I thought he had enjoyed baths up until now, but it has been nothing like the first time in the bath chair. The whole room was soaking wet!! Bath chairs are the greatest!! Well I'm off to catch up on ZZZs!

1 comment:

Heather said...

You got a tooth too?? My doctor told my mom yesterday that he doesn't see any sign of mine coming in. Maybe I need to walk around your house to jostle it loose!!