Monday, January 02, 2006

Operation "Ma-Ma" Begins

Okay. Why is it easier to say DaDa first rather than MaMa? I have a feeling that if you polled many Moms you would find that the first word out of their child's mouth is generally DaDa. They won't be happy about it but the facts remain. I mean even I said DaDa first and most of us know I should have definitely said MaMa. But no. I would attribute it to the fact that perhaps Mothers everywhere talk about "Daddy" all day long but that wasn't really a factor in my life when I was learning to speak. My Mom worked all day and I highly doubt that my Grandmother was talking about my Dad all day. So then why why why!!
Wyatt is coming to that age where he is starting to practice consonant sounds. He is doing pretty good on the MMMMMmmmms. In fact I congratulated myself just yesterday on how he would be different and bless me with his first word. Then out of the blue tonight he said DA plain as day. That is better than MMMMMMmmm. There was never any aaaa on the end of his Mmmms. But Da is one extra syllable away from Dada. I mean he is practically half there!! I don't get it. I say "Mommy loves you" & "Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma" all day long. (yeah sure I throw a couple Daddy's and Dada's in there for good measure. I mean I don't want to look like I'm trying to begrudge my husband anything.) I have to admit though, if Wyatt says Dada first I'll be sooooooooo sad. I mean I carried him for 9 months, gave birth, and take care of him everyday all day. The least he could do is say "Mommy I love you" first!! And so the battle, I mean teaching, begins.

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