Friday, January 13, 2006

Random Ramblings

Wyatt slept for 4 hours today at nap time!! I couldn't believe it. I surfed on the internet, then went and sat in front of the TV just waiting to hear him calling for me. Nothing!! I can't believe he slept that long. It's been at least 2 weeks since he got that good of a nap. I'm so relieved because it sure made him happier tonight.
Greg and I and Wyatt went to eat at a Mexican restaurant here in town. It is so yummy. It's always crowded but we got seated and finished eating in 40 minutes!! Great service. I miss eating out all the time like I did in College Station. I was living there all by myself so there wasn't much reason to cook for me. I'd just hit up On The Border and get some soup for 3 bucks and drink water. I know those waitresses hated me!! I still tipped.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the Stock Show. I'm so sad because I'm not going to the parade and I'm not riding in the parade. I was excited to move back to the Fort Worth/ Dallas area because I'd be able to ride in parades again but I don't think that is going to happen for a long time. Sterling and I used to do parades all over before I went to College. We even rode in the Grand Entry and stock show rodeo. That was a lot of fun!! I was there with 3 other girl who had never done it before and one of them was a club queen. So she had to ride in first and her horse was being horrible. We almost switched so she wouldn't embarrass herself. (Sterling was being an angel). She let me ride her horse for an hour in the afternoon and he was fine for the last rodeo performance. (Go me. Ha Ha) Anyways, I guess I got sidetracked reminiscing. I probably won't get to ride in parades until Wyatt is a lot bigger and can go ride in them with me!! Won't that be fun!!
Wyatt was in a really great mood this evening as you can see by his picture. He has learned a new trick although I haven't heard him do it that much this week. He sucks his little cheeks in and makes a kissing sound. He has also started saying some form of Momma when he cries. I know he doesn't know what it means and he only says it when he is really upset, but it really works to make me feel so bad for him. Breaks my heart for him to cry. Tomorrow we are going to Grammi's for the morning then I'm getting the horses feet trimmed. Sterling is getting shoes on!!! I can't wait!! It's like getting new tires on a truck that has 4 flats!!! Whoo hoo!! Look out backroads here I come!!

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