Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Blustery Day!!

Today has been a great day here in the area because it has been raining all night and all day!! I don't think it has really rained since Wyatt was born!! We have been so scared of fires around here that I'm even afraid to unplug the heat lamp because it gives a little spark. My poor neighbor was fencing and she had to stop because we are under a burn ban and an outdoor welding ban. Maybe this will make them ease up on it.

But the bad thing about rain is we are all cooped up inside and going stir crazy!! Weekends are great but they are really boring if you have to stay inside. I'm not used to taking care of Wyatt when 2 people are home and I find it makes the day go slow!! Although Wyatt has a good idea!! He has been napping for the last 3 hours. Greg and I would have been smart to join him but we didn't. Too busy being bored.

I'm proud of our horses!! We made them a big pen that is open into our little shed and I turned them all 3 in there and no fighting!! It's amazing. Sunny is a grumpy old mare and she likes to try and kick the other two but they are really getting along great!! They even stood in the shed together when it was raining and looked like they were enjoying the company. Good thing or Sunny would have to be penned in the corner. She wouldn't appreciate that.
Wyatt had his big weekend at Grammi and Pa-Paws. I always miss him so much!! They wear him out!! All that fun is tiring!! Good thing he has a whole week to recuperate before the next trip! He has really been singing lately. It is so cute. He will play with his singing catipillar and after it stops singing he will start his little song!! So adorable!! I wish we could share audio clips on here!! It's great! I just love him so much it makes my heart jump!!
Well I'd better go get dinner started!! Have a good blustery day!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I would like to see you singing too! I'm also happy it's finally raining for you guys so that there aren't any fires. It's been raining here for months but yesterday it was super sunny!!