Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sleep Deprivation

I am beginning to wonder if I will ever feel caught up on sleep again!! It seems like since Wyatt came I am constantly tired. I have a feeling this might have something to do with not doing a lot of physical activity during the day. I used to work and feed about 20 horses a day before I had him so I got a lot of activity to wear me out. Maybe I'm just the type of person who can't sleep unless I'm bone tired. I feel bone tired but my muscles must know the difference!! Tomorrow I'm going to do Wyatt weight lifting and see if that helps. He will think it is fun!!

Tonight we went to eat dinner with Grammi! I love getting out of the house and doing stuff. I wish Grammi and Pa-Paw lived closer to us so we could see them more during the week. Of course that might make my Saturdays a little less special. Saturdays are great days for me because I get to hang out with most of my favorite people. (not all of them but most). Wyatt sure loves his Grammi. Tonight was rough though because I walked off and left all of the formulat powder that I had prepared for his dinner sitting on the counter in our kitchen. So my poor baby was hungry and all I had for him was water. He was not fooled!!! So after a quick trip to Wal-mart he was a much happier baby!!

Well I'm off to bed. Maybe if I went to sleep when Wyatt went to sleep I'd get to feeling like a human again!!!


1 comment:

Heather said...

The biggest tip anyone ever gave me about parenting was to sleep whenever Ryan slept. Did I listen? No! Am I always tired? YES! We go to bed when he does at night (a shocking 6:30), but he doesn't necessarily sleep for a full 8 or more hours. Then he gets to go back to bed in the morning and I don't. I think that's where my problem is. Wow - do you have 20 horses or was that a job you had?? I think I'd like to live where you are. It sure sounds peaceful.