Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Sleep Monster

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I don't know about all the other 5 month old babies out there in the world but Wyatt has decided that sleeping is B.A.D. He has gone from taking a 3 - 4 hour nap in the afternoon to several fussy 20 minute naps throughout the day. I can't tell you how hard it is to clean the house when you only have 20 minutes and you can't leave the room because your child won't sleep in his crib so he is just laying on the couch. I know that this is because he is no longer swaddled so he doesn't stay asleep as well but geesh!! He still sleep thru the night (Thank goodness) but my house doesn't get cleaned by little fairies!!! I'm hoping this is just a phase!!! I think that the world has just become so interesting to him that he doesn't want to miss anything. I tried explaining to him that if he would go to sleep he would be a much happier boy when he woke up and the world and all the fun would be waiting for him. As it is he just fusses all the time so he is really missing out on all the fun anyways!! Sigh. Here is hoping tomorrow is better!!



Heather said...

My mommy says that you need to read my blog from yesterday. I do the same thing to her!! Especially recently... hee hee :) She had to give up on my old routine. BTW, I used to take a few longer naps during the day before I "grew up."

Krista said...

Umm yeah! I don't like taking naps either any more. I have gone from taking a nice long 3 hr nap to only taking one for about an hr- if Mommy is lucky. And last night I decided to start waking up. I know what you menan about the world being so exciting now!